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【113.8.2-8.29】書本的季節 ─ 綠美圖暖身書展

The Season of Books─Warm-up Book Exhibition of Taichung Green Museumbrary

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【 日期 】2024年8月2日 星期五 – 2024年8月29日 星期四

【 時間 】週二至週六 上午8點30分 – 晚上9點 / 週日 上午8點30分 – 傍晚5點30分

【 地點 】臺中市立圖書館 上楓分館 (大雅區樹德街255巷5號)










‧綠種子 —— 書也得從種子開始

‧光之美 —— 向光讀者的養分

‧圖之森 —— 漫步書本森林的氣味





【    Date    】Friday, August 2 – Thursday, August 29, 2024

【    Time    】Tuesday to Saturday, 8:30 AM – 9 PM / Sunday, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM

【 Location 】Taichung Shangfeng Public Library

【 Features 】

“Each book has its own seasonality.

It begins with the budding of inspiration, the soaring of dreams, and the grounding of roots, and then transmits through reading until it delicately weaves into the fabric of one’s life.

As we gaze at fallen leaves becoming nourishment for the soil, we experience the photosynthesis of books, which nourishes our minds and souls.

Reading is like the growth of plants, while each season is a perpetual cycle of renewal and rebirth.”


Through on-site exhibition design, the public can gain an initial understanding of the Taichung Green Museumbrary. Additionally, by curating book selections, the library's readers can envision and anticipate the future of the Taichung Green Museumbrary.


Featuring Taiwan's native plant, the Cochinchina Homalium, the books are categorized by season:

‧ Green Seeds —— Books begin with a seed as well

‧ Beauty of Light —— Nourishment for light-seeking readers

‧ Forest of Diagrams —— The scent of wandering through a forest of books


Plants grow from seeds and gradually become trees and forests, blossoming and bearing fruit as they absorb nutrients. This is similar to our reading journey—though the progress may be hard to notice at first, over time, the results of reading bring unexpected joy to our lives!

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