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【News Practice】Course 4: Debunking Misinformation From Cheap Fake to AI-generated

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The course is a collaboration by the National Development Council, Radio Taiwan International and National Taiwan University's Graduate Institute of Journalism. In line with the Bilingual Policy, ​ these courses aim to cultivate more talent in international communication!

In this class, we will learn the difference between cheap fakes and deep fakes/AI-generated images. First of all, we will use Image Reverse and Google Maps as tools to search for the original photo or understand the context of the related event. Compared to this “real” information, we can verify altered photos and out-of-context footage. Secondly, we will learn the trend of AI-generated and Deep Fakes. Then, we will learn the open-source tools and the tips to spot AI-generated and Deep Fakes. The goal of this class is not only learning the practical tools and skills to verify the footage/ images, but also to cultivate media literacy and how to practice the verification SOP.


課程大綱 Course Outline

A. 課程介紹 Introduction

B. 廉價造假 Cheap Fake

C. 如何破解廉價造假 How to debunk Cheap Fake?

D. 從廉價造假到深度偽造/AI生成影像及影片 From Cheap Fake to Deep Fake/AI-generated image/footage

E. 如何破解AI生成的錯假訊息 How to debunk AI mis/disinformation?

F. 驗證工具與課程結論 Tools of Verification and Conclusion 

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