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Construction in Process─ An Art Museum in My Pocket. Line

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【 日期 】~2024年8月16日 星期五

【 時間 】上午9點 – 傍晚5點

【 地點 】國立台灣美術館 美術街2F平臺






【    Date    】~Friday, August 16, 2024

【    Time    】9 AM – 5 PM

【 Location 】National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Gallery Street 2F Platform

【 Features 】

The drawing, generating, and combining of lines offer infinite possibilities. Starting with the familiar pencil, lines can also be created with paintbrushes, ropes, rulers, the connections of ready-made objects, horizons, parabolas, or even the movement of the human body.

In the picture book 'An Art Museum in My Pocket. Lines,' the author uses various media as tools for drawing lines to construct the spatial sense and architectural layers in Chen Cheng-po’s Tamsui Scenery (Tamsui). By pulling out the horizon, the view is extended outward.

Through the exhibition, visitors can learn about the tools and materials needed to create art using printmaking as a medium, as well as the complete creative process of the picture book. Let’s take a look at all the tools used and explore the construction process of this picture book together!

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