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網家助攻「2030雙語國家」政策 提供價值1億元課程~

PChome supports "Bilingual Nation 2030" policy to provide NTD100 million worth of courses


新聞圖片 網路家庭(8044)旗下連科通訊,以AI及大數據學習為主訴求的語言學習服務「Lingvist」,響應行政院為「提升國家整體競爭力」而推動的「2030雙語國家」政策,即日起至8月31日,提供全台各級學校單位可免費申請Lingvist無限版季方案3個月(教學版),此項校園英語學習補助計畫首次提供7萬份,響應贊助金額超過等值1億元。 網家表示,教育為重中之重,連科期望協助各級學校推動英文教育,藉由新興AI人工智慧科技的語言學習平台,幫助學子掌握個人化的學習曲線,將最先進的AI人工智慧及大數據應用的技術導入至台灣的英文教育環境,為提升國人英文能力,推動2030雙語國家政策助力。 Lingvist這個月將推出全新學習課程「高中必備單字」,完成國小到大學最後一塊高中拼圖;除原先推出的「國中小必備單字」、「多益英語」、「商業英語」等課程外,未來國小到大學將可透過Lingvist無限版完整階梯式學習。 連科通訊總經理蔡文雄表示,國家競爭力與國人英文能力直接相關,Lingvist以實際行動來響應政府的2030雙語國家政策,將釋出價值1億元的Lingvist無限版季方案7萬份,「只要是台灣任何一所學校單位都可以免費申請」,希望能以民間力量及Lingvist特有的AI智慧演算法、大數據等輔助學習技術,為國人提供真正有幫助的英語學習平台。 蔡文雄也說,鑒於行政院國發會去年底曾強調,雙語國家策略與以往不同,重點是提升整體競爭力,目前國人英語溝通能力不足,參與國際考試和各項評比成績不甚理想,有必要全面提升英語能力,希望透過這次的響應方案拋磚引玉,讓台灣學子能更有效率地記憶單字,使2030雙語國家的政策目標具體落實。 據Lingvist 2019年3月調查的台灣用戶使用狀況數據顯示,台灣用戶單字量普遍不足,在2018年7月至2019年3月間,從Lingvist的服務前測成績來看,台灣用戶平均已學會的常用英文詞彙單字量為1,175字,距理想的掌握英文常用單字5000字尚有一大段距離,顯示國人普遍的英文程度值得進修再學習。 網家表示,此次響應2030雙語國家計畫推出「無限版3個月(教學版) 」贊助學習方案,免費申請活動對象為全台各級學校單位,包含公私立國小國中高中以「校」或「年級」為申請的最小單位;公私立大學以上以「校」或「系」或「所」為申請的最小單位(不包含幼兒園及私人單位),預計受惠的使用者將遍布各在學學籍年齡層。 LinkTel, a PChome company (8044), along with its "Lingvist"--a language learning service based on AI and big data, has responded to the "Bilingual Nation 2030" policy promoted by the Executive Yuan for improving the country's overall competitiveness. From August 31st, schools at all levels nationwide can apply for the Lingvist unlimited edition program for 3 months (teaching edition) free of charge. For the first time, such a campus English learning subsidy program aims to provide 70,000 copies, with a total sponsorship amount exceeding NTD 100 million equivalently. PChome said that as education is the top priority for the country, LinkTel hopes to help schools at all levels to promote English education. With the language learning platform of the emerging AI technology, students can master the individualized learning curve. By bringing the most advanced AI and big data application technology into the English education environment in Taiwan, it would help enhance the English ability of Taiwan’s people and thus promote the policy of Bilingual Nation 2030. Lingvist will launch a new learning course "High School Essential Vocabularies" this month to complete the final high school puzzle from the elementary school to the university. In addition to the previous "Essential Vocabularies for elementary and junior high schools", "TOEIC English" and "Business English", in the future students of elementary school to university will be able to complete a step-by-step learning through Lingvist unlimited edition. Mr. Tsai Wenxiong, General Manager of LinkTel, said that national competitiveness is directly related to the English ability of the people. Lingvist thus has positively responded to the government's 2030 bilingual national policy with practical actions, and will release 70,000 copies of Lingvist's unlimited edition plan with a worth of NTD 100 million. It is available to any school in Taiwan. It is hoped that the program will provide a truly helpful English learning platform for the people of Taiwan with the help of the private sector and Lingvist's unique AI smart algorithm and big data technology. Mr. Tsai Wenxiong also said that, since the National Development Council (NDC) has stressed at the end of last year that the bilingual nation policy this time around is different from the past, with a focus on improving the overall competitiveness of the country. At present, without sufficient English communication skills, the results of citizens’ participation in various international examinations and evaluation results are not quite satisfactory. Thus, it is necessary to improve the English ability of our people in an all-round fashion. It is hoped that through such a program, the students in Taiwan will be able to memorize the English words more efficiently, while achieving the policy goal of the Bilingual Nation 2030. According to the data on the usage of Taiwan users surveyed by Lingvist in March 2019, the number of words/vocabularies in Taiwan users is generally insufficient. From July 2018 to March 2019, from the pre-service test results of Lingvist, Taiwan users have learned English vocabulary with an average amount of 1,175 words. There is still a long distance from the ideal 5,000 words in English. It shows that there is still room for improvement for English capability of our citizens. PChome said that, in response to the Bilingual National 2030 policy, the "Unlimited Edition 3 Months (Teaching Edition)" sponsored learning program was launched. It is free for schools of all levels to apply, with “school” or "grade" as the smallest unit of application for public or private elementary and junior or senior high schools; or "school" or "department” or "institute" as the minimum unit for applying for public or private universities (excluding kindergartens and private entities). It is expected to benefit users at the age of schooling.

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