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【112.5.13】2023 水保語你 珍愛自然嘉年華 @鳳凰谷鳥園生態園區



【 日期 】2023年5月13日星期六

【 時間 】早上10點-下午4點

【 地點 】鳳凰谷鳥園生態園區 (南投縣鹿谷鄉仁義路1-9號)



• 雙語闖關市集 完成指定任務後,可獲得限量紀念品及小禮物乙份!

• 森林電影院 播放影片皆選自「台灣野望國際自然影展」,由英國Wildscreen協助所挑選出的世界級頂尖生態紀錄片,在綠意盎然的環境中,與家人、朋友、伴侶享受愜意時光。

• 雙語親子劇團 《偶末創藝工作室》親子劇團將以雙語演出,水保局的吉祥物「水精靈」、「土精靈」也將同台,內容融入生態及環境教育。

• 互動式雙語解說站 結合實體生態與解說展示,讓觀眾運用語音導覽自主學習聆聽雙語生態。

【 備註 】當日園區不開放停車,遊客請將車輛停放在鹿谷農會鳳凰辦事處外停車場,再搭接駁專車入園。



【 Date 】Saturday, May 13, 2023

【 Time 】10 AM-4 PM

【 Location 】Fonghuanggu Bird and Ecology Park (No. 1-9, Renyi Rd, Lugu Township, Nantou County)

【 Features 】

In response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and International Day for Biological Diversity, Fonghuanggu Bird and Ecology Park presents a series of bilingual activities:

• Bilingual Education Fair After completing designated tasks, you can receive a limited-edition souvenir and a small gift!

• Forest Cinema All the videos played are selected from the 'WildViewTaiwan Film Festival in association with Wildscreen', which features world-class top ecological documentaries selected by Wildscreen from the UK. Enjoy a relaxing time with family, friends, or partners in the lush environment.

• Parent-Child Theater Performance The "OuMo Creative Studio", a Parent-Child Theater Troupe, will give a bilingual performance, with the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau's mascots "Water Elf" and "Soil Elf" also taking the stage. The content will incorporate ecological and environmental education.

• Interactive Ecological Interpretation Station Combining physical ecology exhibits with explanatory displays, enables the audience to use audio guides for self-directed bilingual ecological learning and listening.

【 Note 】Please be advised that on the day of the event, on-site parking will not be available within the park premises. As an alternative, visitors are instructed to park their vehicles in the designated parking lot outside the Fonghuanggu office of the Lugu Farmers' Association and utilize the complimentary shuttle service to access the park.

*Follow Fonghuanggu Bird and Ecology Park's Facebook for latest information*

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