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與<別叫我大使夫人 On the Right Side of the Ambassador>的Jeane認識泰國傳統新年,潑水節

2023/05/03 10:22:45 CEFR C1-C2 Podcast

Join hosts Tim and Paz and their guest, Jeane Huang, host of the Podcast “On the Right Side of the Ambassador”.

You’ll get a taste of what diplomatic life is like for an ambassador’s wife. You’ll learn about Thailand’s Songkran, which is drenched in tradition, and find out what this episode’s cat’s meows and pet peeves are.



Spouse 配偶(n.)

The territory of ambassadors’ spouses is often the home, where they may have extensive entertaining duties.


Diplomatic 外交的(adj.)

In diplomatic circles, the spouse of the ambassador always sits on the ambassador’s right side, a position that indicates respect.


Strategically 有策略性地(adv.)

In Chiang Mai, where a canal ensures a plentiful water supply, Songkran can be boisterous, with people strategically throwing water to get as many people and things as drenched as possible.



“Songkran”, the word used for Thailand’s New Year’s national holiday, is derived from a Sanskrit word that is related to the sun’s movement between constellations.


Merit [-making] 功德(n.)

Some examples of merit-making, acts of kindness and compassion, include releasing fish, birds, or turtles into their natural habitats and giving alms to monks in the form of food or new robes.


Junk 舊物(n.)

In Thailand, it’s traditional for people to clean their homes and get rid of their junk on the night before Songkran, just as people spring clean in preparation for the Lunar New Year in Taiwan.


Symbolize 象徵(v.)

Being doused with water during Songkran symbolizes being cleansed of bad luck and negativity from the prior year, enabling one to have a clean slate and good luck for the New Year.


Underdog 劣勢者;弱勢(n.)

People like to root for the underdog, the person who is pushed down in some way and expected to lose, but who, through persistence and courage, turns out to be the victorious hero or heroine.

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