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新聞圖片 【我不是在工作的路上,就是在跑步的路上】 奔跑吧 ! 小雙的雙語運動筆記 跑出全台影響力 活動倒數28天 「只要穿上鞋,哪裡都能跑」 你可能跑過陸上馬拉松,但你跑過水上馬拉松 嗎? 你可能知道馬拉松長跑跟戰爭有關….... 但你知道臺灣擁有的唯一國際水上馬拉松起源典故是什麼? 小雙為您畫重點 11.05~11.06在 #彰化縣二水鄉 舉辦的「#二水國際跑水節」活動是為了緬懷先賢開鑿八堡圳,灌溉彰化平原孕育無限生機及宣揚飲水思源而舉辦,除了體驗將近 #三百年歷史的祭典,也是唯一能 #跑進百年八堡圳的機會 歡迎當天一起下水、跑水同樂 #水上馬拉松 #二水跑水節 #心動不如行動與小雙二水見 #Bilingual2030PolicyEvents 跑出全台影響力從雙語開始 跑出世界關鍵力就在雙語力 2022 Ershui International Water Running Festival The “2022 Ershui International Water Running Festival” will be held from November 5 to November 6. “Ershui Water Running Festival” – the largest folk cultural celebration of Changhua County – is held after the autumn harvest each year to commemorate the opening of the Babao Canal which introduced water from the Zhuoshui River to irrigate the Changhua Plain and made it one of the agricultural hubs in Taiwan. The unique canal festival combines art, culture, and ceremonies to host a series of blessing activities. Visitors are invited to run water marathons in the picturesque town and begin a cultural journey with the locals. The “Taiwan Water Running Festival – Legend of Babao Canal” is held along “Changhua's Mother River” to express gratitude to Mother Nature and the kindness of their pioneering ancestors. It not only inherits traditional culture but embodies the spirit of the Taiwanese who never forget their origin.

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