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小編帶大家認識台灣垃圾車界專屬BGM洗腦神曲「給愛麗絲」 在台灣聽到貝多芬的「給愛麗絲」(Für Elise)就想要倒垃圾是件稀鬆平常的事,但在美國、澳洲、紐西蘭其實是冰淇淋車音樂呢!

而在世界上,這首古典樂曲是普遍存在兒童鋼琴練習曲或玩具配樂,但在台灣卻是洗腦神曲,召喚民眾趕快下樓倒垃圾 紐約時報報導「給愛麗絲」在台灣響起後,接下來的20分鐘,原本平靜的街頭會變成聚會場合,居民將分類好的垃圾拿到垃圾車前,遇到街坊鄰居朋友們寒暄幾句,聊聊八卦。

其實台灣垃圾車音樂不僅有貝多芬(Beethoven)名曲「給愛麗絲」,還有波蘭19世紀作曲家特克拉(Bądarzewska)的傳世名作「少女的祈禱」(Maiden's Prayer)。

這是台灣「垃圾不落地」政策,也是在世界上絕無僅有,垃圾車 每週5天風雨無阻,讓曾經被稱為「垃圾島」的台灣變成一個乾淨的社會

1. 為何選擇「給愛麗絲」和「少女的祈禱」至今仍是未解之謎,據說使用「少女的祈禱」是因為曾任衛生署長的許子秋恰好聽到女兒演奏決定採用,而「給愛麗絲」則是從德國買進垃圾車時就帶有的音樂。

2. 對於某些人來說卻已成為巴夫洛夫 (Pavlov)古典制約反應,你是不是聽到「給愛麗絲」就會想抓起垃圾袋往外衝的衝動呢?


In Taiwan, when the familiar notes of Fur Elise are playing, it means it's time for everyone to take part in the daily ritual of trash and recycling collection.

Interestingly, “The Maiden’s player” in the States, Australia and New Zealand is ice-cream truck music. People from these countries may be disappointed after chasing the truck in Taiwan (Any one always have the Pavlovian response if hear Für Elise in ice cream truck form, will have the impulse to get garbage? )

For Taiwanese, throwing garbage away may not be as boring as other countries. According to New York Times, it’s much like community sport when hearing the music people throw their household junk to cleaners by themselves, and it is also a part for many people’s daily lives that people can chat with neighbors they may not met at daytime.

You can see people waiting alongside the busy street to throw their garbage into these bright yellow trucks as a daily ritual usually occurring in the evenings.

‘Keep Trash off the Ground' (垃圾不落地) policy, one bag for trash and one for recycle! So garbage will be sent directly to the trucks to avoid causing mess on floor. This method is very different from other countries as garbage is normally placed in local garbage bins. 

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