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新聞圖片 好麻吉來台灣嘍! 誠摯歡迎聖文森及格瑞那丁總理龔薩福(Ralph Gonsalves)和立陶宛交通及通訊部政務次長愛格涅(Agne Vaiciukeviciute)訪台! 聖文森及格瑞那丁總理龔薩福(Ralph Gonsalves)來台簽署相關司法合作協定及「高等教育合作意向書」,強化兩國司法及教育合作。外交部吳部長也款宴龔薩福總理一行,並陪同訪團走訪港都高雄,體驗南台灣的熱情與人情味! 立陶宛交通及通訊部政務次長愛格涅(Agne Vaiciukeviciute)在智慧及綠色交通、5G通訊與電動巴士 等產業合作交換意見。 愛格涅此行率電動巴士相關企業訪台彰顯兩國將共同攜手打造綠色經濟與產業,樂見雙邊在共同價值理念基礎上,持續穩健推進經貿交流鏈結,深化鞏固兩國緊密夥伴關係。 Welcomes Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves and Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Agnė Vaiciukevičiūtė on their trip to Taiwan! During his visit to Taiwan, PM Ralph Gonsalvesthe signing of agreements of cooperation on criminal matters, as well as an LOI on cooperation on higher education. MOFA Minister Joseph Wu, who will also treat him to dinner, before accompanying him on a visit to the southern city of Kaohsiung, where he will be treated to some trademark southern hospitality. The Deputy Minister’s visit is aimed at exploring potential opportunities for bilateral cooperation with our like-minded partner Lithuania on smart green transport, 5G and electric buses, to create free and democratic supply chains. We are pleased to see the increased level of engagement and exchange that this visit represents and hopes that it will further strengthen our partnership. #Taiwan #SaintVincent #Grenadines #Lietuva #ndcBilingual #bilingualevents #bilingual2030

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