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新聞圖片 與臺北舊城區散步的夏天,國立臺灣博物館 National Taiwan Museum 帶大家從北門出發走讀認識台北! 今年下半年國發會與公部門合作多個展會節慶雙語活動,目前已經開跑的是臺博館 「博物館多聲道」首都博物城祭:雙語導覽員培訓營,透過培訓雙語導覽志工,讓更多人認識我們的土地 小編幫大家爭取到7/31上午場10個名額(城區英語導覽示範實體場次),歡迎大家踴躍報名,透過走讀認識臺北舊城 活動資訊: 日期: 7/31 (星期天) 時間: 上午 9:00- 12:30 (3.5 小時) 地點: 臺北北門郵局門口 (台北市中正區忠孝西路一段120號) 費用: 全票NT$50 ; 優待票NT$30 Google線上報名 (真的只有10人‼️) : https://goo.gl/forms/DxSztE3ZPYmbt2I93 快留言告訴小編,影片裡面有出現什麼建築物,可以獲得臺博館提供的精美小禮物唷!(限量3名) Exciting News‼️ We are thrilled to announce that "Blast to the Past: Walking Tour of Old Taipei” is back! This time, NTM Multilingual Tour 10 spots of Walking Tour to the public. Book now to save your place! A Qing dynasty gate right across a Western-looking building, a park with two names where Chinese pavilions and a neoclassical style Museum are separated by a Japanese pond...why is Taipei such a mix of different architectures, and what is the history behind them? What is 228 incident and why is it important in Taiwan's modern history? How did the largest LGBT Pride Parade in Asia start? Unravel the mystery in our monthly walking tour! (Places are limited, register now!) Information: Date:31 July (SUN) Time: AM 9:00- 12:30 (3.5 hrs) Meeting Spot: North Gate- Beimen Post Office (台北市中正區忠孝西路一段120號) Fee: NT$50 regular: NT$30 discount. Online registration (10 persons) via google form: https://goo.gl/forms/DxSztE3ZPYmbt2I93 #ndcBilingual #bilingualevents #bilingual2030 #walktours #taipei #走讀

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