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【ICRT: News in the Know】NextGen Telecom Delegation 台美科技交流之旅


新聞圖片 「西雅圖」在你的印象裡是什麼呢? 星巴克、太空針塔、派克市場、口香糖牆、西雅圖夜未眠,還會想到什麼? 本週90秒英文新聞主題為「台美科技交流之旅 」 上月底,為強化台美雙方的科技交流,由國發會龔明鑫主委所率領的「下世代通訊代表團」遠赴美國,參與了「NextGen Telecom 圓桌交流會議」、「美國投資高峰會議」、以及參訪多個知名科技公司,如 Google、Microsoft、Amazon ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 這趟台美科技交流之旅,除聚焦在 5G 產業外,還有提到哪些產業呢?答案就留給剉冰老師介紹囉 Taiwan’s NextGen Telecom Delegation in Washington! National Development Council Minister Kung Ming-hsin led a dozen of Taiwan 5G/ICT companies to visit US tech and telecom giants while attending high-profile forums on two coasts in efforts to bolster national infrastructure plans, in Seattle on June 23rd and 24th. The delegation to the US to discuss exchanges on 5G development with tech giants including #Amazon #Microsoft Corp and Alphabet Inc’s Google. Looking forward to even closer cooperation between Taiwan and the US in the years to come! Word to Know 1. network (建立人際網路、建立人脈): means to meet and talk with other people for information, or to gain more social and business contacts. 編:期待未來能持續深化雙邊經貿關係 #icrt #NextGenTelecom #Seattle #龔主委出任務 #台美交流 #經貿關係

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