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【金曲33星光大道主持人】「客家妹」陳明珠與「音樂鬼才」 YELLOW 黃宣


新聞圖片 金曲三三,來去高雄! 第33屆金曲獎頒獎典禮是睽違17年後,再次在港都高雄舉辦! 本屆星光大道主持人由「客家妹」陳明珠與「音樂鬼才」 YELLOW 黃宣攜手主持紅毯!非常期待明天在紅地毯上看到明珠的專業主持能力 編:好羨慕有搶到票的人哦~有人明天在現場嗎? 2022 Golden Melody Awards to Be Held at Kaohsiung Arena Tomorrow The 33rd Golden Melody Awards, Taiwan's equivalent of the Grammy Awards, returns to the southern port city of Taiwan after 17 years. Ming Chu Chen, a famous bilingual host, and YELLOW, the nominee for this year's Best Mandarin Male Singer, will host the red carpet event for the very first time. Can’t wait to see Ming Chu Chen shine on the red carpet! Stay tuned!! Photo&Source : 國發會、陳明珠 #GMA33 #金曲33 #陳明珠 #2030雙語政策 #Bilingual2030Policy

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