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【人物】台裔小廚神朱如茵Liya Chu


新聞圖片 不知道大家有沒有看MasterChef Junior? 第八季「小小頂級廚師美國版」(MasterChef Junior USA)在上周6月23日播畢,本季冠軍為當時才10歲的台裔女童朱如茵!其實節目早在2019年就已錄製完成,但受疫情因素影響,直到今年3月17號才首播,今年夏天即將滿14歲的Liya終於能公開分享喜悅並向台灣觀眾達謝啦 編:幫大家找了中/英文專訪放留言處,小神廚Liya雖然在美國長大但中文專訪對答如流、台風落落大方,超級喜歡!完全沒問題喲 CONGRATULATIONS to the newest winner of MasterChef Junior, Liya! 13-year-old Taiwanese-American Liya Chu for being crowned the U.S. television cooking competition ‘MasterChef Junior'. Liya was 10 yrs old when she first won but the filming was delayed for another 3 years before it came out. In the final, Liya won the judges’ hearts by treating them to dishes inspired by her Taiwanese heritage. We are SO proud for you! Photo&Source : MasterChef Junior, SiouxCity Journal #朱如茵 #小小廚師 #LiyaChu #MasterChefJunior #GordonRamsay

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