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❰ Retirement Lifestyle ❱ 快樂漁夫──我有個夢想


新聞圖片 Leo來自加拿大溫哥華,他的中文名字叫李豪,在11年前來到台灣生活,早就把台灣當成自己的家。豪哥不但入籍成為台灣公民,還辦理了漁船船員手冊,持續朝「台灣漁民」的夢想邁進。他的夢想清單還包括擁有一艘漁船、在台灣250個漁港中航行,同時介紹台灣的文化、歷史、美食和漁民的故事。 在這一集裡,Leo將帶我們認識台灣北部多元豐富的漁港。從新北市的番仔澳漁港到基隆正濱漁港與崁仔頂魚市,品嚐用醬油醃製的「白底仔」和「淺戳」。這兩道海產因為需要靠漁民手工捕撈而要價不斐,但能吃到美味又新鮮的海產一切都是值得的。 Happy Fisherman -- I Have a Dream Leo Seewald, a native of Vancouver, Canada has made Taiwan his home after being in the country for over 11 years. Known in Mandarin as Lee Hao, Brother Hao naturalized to become a Taiwanese citizen and has passed his fishing boat license making his "Taiwanese fisherman" dream closer to reality. His dream list includes owning a fishing boat and sailing around 250 fishing harbors in Taiwan while introducing the culture, history, cuisine, and stories of fishermen across the archipelago. In this episode, Leo takes us around the diversity of various fishing ports in northern Taiwan, from New Taipei City's Fanzai-Ao to Keelung's Zhengbin and Kanzaiding Fish Market as he boat shops. He also takes us to savor two unique wild seafood dishes that are marinated in soy sauce. The rock crab and limpet may come with a high price tag, but it's all worth the rare fresh manual catch.

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