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新聞圖片 數位學習趨勢當道,為創造學習語言的動機,提高學習效率,並透過數位科技力量,加強語言學習成效,為此,國發會主辦雙語政策數位學習茶會,並與亞馬遜網路服務公司共同邀請科技教育界各個面向的夥伴,包括致力於數位學習的業者及主責國家語言與國際語言學習的公部門單位。 To create motivation to learn English and to increase learning efficiency through the use of digital technology, the National Development Council hosted the Digital Learning Forum with the support of Amazon Web Services Taiwan, inviting a range of stakeholders from the field of education technology including practitioners and academics, representatives from civil society and business, and policy-makers at the national level. 此次茶會,國發會邀請文策院院長李明哲、學習吧平台總監陳逸文、Voicetube董事長詹益維、Glossika執行長Michael Campbell、MyET執行長林宜敬、HiTutor董事長廖本昌等嘉賓,與會人士交流對雙語政策中數位學習的看法,聚焦討論「雙語數位學習導入新創能量」及「數位科技輔助助攻語言學習」兩主題。 The National Development Council was pleased to have TAICCA CEO Izero Lee, LearnMode Director Yiwen Chen, VoiceTube Founder Richard Zenn, Glossika CEO Michael Campbell, MyET CEO Yi-Jing Lin, HiTutor Chairman Pen-Chang Liao, and all honored guests in the Digital Learning Forum. During the event, the participants discussed digital learning in 2030 bilingual policy, shedding light on “How to incorporate EdTech methodologies to bilingual education” and “How can digital technology help to enhance language learning?” 期待透過本次茶會,國發會盼打造產官學研夥伴關係,藉由公私協力模式,以科技助攻語言學習政策,共同打造數位學習環境,從投資、人才、技術面等挹注更多資源,讓數位學習產業蓬勃發展。 The National Development Council aims to build collaborative partnerships among the industry, academia and government in the event to stimulate the development of language education policy and to create a digital learning environment by injecting more resources into public funding, talent cultivation and technology R&D, which may foster the development of the digital learning ecosystem. 再次感謝所有參與雙語政策數位學習茶會單位(以下按筆畫排序): #文化內容策進院 #文化部 #客家委員會 #教育部 #國家文官學院 #資策會 #AWS #BenQ #Cerego #EZ TALKING #Glossika #Hahow #HiTutor #MyET #Sensay #Snapask #Studycat #TibaMe #Voicetube #巨匠美語 #均一教育平台 #猿創力程式設計學校 #學習吧 #翰林雲端學院 Thank you for participating in the Digital Learning Forum on 2030 bilingual policy.

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