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透過國際森林日 一起來認識台灣的國家森林遊樂區吧~


新聞圖片 你知道「國際森林日」嗎? 2012年,聯合國大會決議將3月21日訂為國際森林日,希望能喚醒大家對森林保育的重視! 而全台灣又有幾個國家森林遊樂區呢?答案是18個!分布於北、中、南、東四個區域,歡迎進入行政院農委會林務局的網頁,探索台灣的國家森林遊樂區,感受「森」呼吸的魅力! 還有還有,林務局也彙整許多與保育業務、林地區劃、自然保育區等相關詞彙,歡迎一起學習相關字彙! 01 國家森林遊樂區 national forest recreation areas 02 林地   forest land; wooded land 03 濫墾地   illegal cultivated land 04 瀕臨絕種物種 Endangered Species 05 珍貴稀有植物  Rare and valuable plants 06 特有種   Endemic species 07 外來種   exotic species; introduced species 歡迎至相關連結「行政院農委會林務局-雙語詞彙」點擊看更多 Do you know Today is International Day of Forests? To raise awareness of the importance of forest conservation, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests in 2012. Here is a quiz: How many national forest recreation areas are there in Taiwan? The answer goes to.....18!!! There are 18 national forest recreation areas, separately located in northern, central, southern, and western parts of Taiwan. Check out the website below to see the full list of Taiwan's national forest recreation areas. Don't forget to learn some words about forest conservation, forest planning and nature conservation, etc. 01 國家森林遊樂區 national forest recreation areas 02 林地   forest land; wooded land 03 濫墾地   illegal cultivated land 04 瀕臨絕種物種 Endangered Species 05 珍貴稀有植物  Rare and valuable plants 06 特有種   Endemic species 07 外來種   exotic species; introduced species #bilingual2030 #2030雙語政策

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