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National Taiwan Museum—A whole new experience in different languages.


新聞圖片 大家有去過臺灣博物館嗎?有聽過「臺博數位導覽」嗎?下載APP就可聽到各館常設展的華語、英語、日語等導覽內容,是不是很方便呢? 什麼?想要真人導覽?沒問題!臺博館陣容堅強,招募了臺語導覽志工、新住民大使及各國大專生,目前有華語、英語、臺語、印尼語、越南語、菲律賓語、泰語、高棉語、緬甸語、日語、韓語、粵語、西班牙語、波蘭語、俄羅斯語、義大利語、法語等多達17種語種! Have you ever been to the National Taiwan Museum (NTM)? Just download the "NTM Digital Tour" APP and listen to the guides of the permanent exhibitions in Mandarin, English, or Japanese. Want a guided tour? No problem! The NTM has recruited local Taiwanese, new residents in Taiwan, and college students from various countries as volunteer guides. Currently there are as many as 17 languages available including Mandarin, English, Taiwanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Filipino, Thai, Khmer, Burmese, Japanese, Korean, Cantonese, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Italian, and French.

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