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Digital Museum of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples


新聞圖片 你知道臺灣雖是小小海島,卻有超過十個以上的原住民族嗎? 想知道哪一族的男子會在祭典時穿上傳統丁字褲,向大海召請祈求飛魚豐收嗎? 想了解更豐富的原住民族語言、生活智慧、祭典,快到臺灣原住民數位博物館一探究竟吧! Although Taiwan is a small island, it has more than ten indigenous peoples. Do know which group of indigenous men wear traditional thongs during their festival and summon the sea to pray for a good harvest of flying fish? If you want to learn more about indigenous languages, wisdom of life, festivals, and other interesting facts, just click here!

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