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Wash Hands Frequently


新聞圖片 無論疫情穩定與否,都建議養成勤洗手的好習慣, 讓我們再複習一下重要的洗手觀念與注意事項吧~ 1. 洗手時機: (1) 吃東西前 (2) 接觸病人前後 (3) 上廁所後 (4) 擤鼻涕、咳嗽或打噴嚏後 (5) 看病後 2. 正確洗手步驟: (1) 濕: 用清水將雙手完全弄濕 (2) 搓: 抹上肥皂,手心、手背、手指互相搓洗至少20秒 (3) 沖: 用清水將雙手澈底沖洗乾淨 (4) 捧: 用水將水龍頭沖乾淨並記得關水龍頭 (5) 擦: 用烘手機或紙巾將手擦乾 Regardless of the COVID alert level, frequent hand washing is recommended. Now, let's review the important hand washing guidelines. 1. When to Wash Your Hands: a) Before meals b) Before and after physical contact with anyone who is sick c) After using the toilet d) After blowing your nose, coughing and/or sneezing e) After seeing a doctor 2. Hand Washing Steps: a) Wet your hand b) Apply Soap & Rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds c) Wash your hands with water until they are clean d) Clean the faucet and turn it off e) Dry your hands

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