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Enhance Taiwanese bilingual skills to bolster the international competitiveness.


新聞圖片 COVID-19疫情肆虐全球,臺灣透過捐贈醫療物資及分享防疫經驗等方式向國際間伸出援手,深獲各界肯定,也藉由展現我國醫療實力,讓臺灣在國際間逐漸展露影響力。 本次特別邀請「國民女婿」衛福部疾管署羅一鈞副署長,以及農委會動檢局杜文珍局長,與大家分享國際參與經驗,究竟讓他們成功達成國際合作的秘密武器是什麼呢? 羅副署長以過去在非洲馬拉威從事醫療援助之經驗,分享如何透過英語勇於表達,並拉近與當地人民距離,他認為,只要將專業及英文準備好,台灣隨時有走出去的機會。 杜局長則分享如何以流利的英文口語以及精準的文件用字進行國際談判,讓台灣成功自長達24年的口蹄疫區除名。 2030雙語國家政策在各部會的齊心推動下,透過建置英語環境以及培育國人英語力等方式,讓我國人才的專業能力及英語力相輔相成,藉由發揮專業軟實力,讓我國人才在國際間展露頭角,也讓世界看見台灣! As the COVID-19 epidemic has made an impact on the world, Taiwan's assistance to the international community through donations of medical supplies and sharing of experiences in epidemic control and prevention have been well received by various nations and communities. By demonstrating its medical knowledge and competence, Taiwan is gradually showing its influence in the international community. This time, SET specially invited Mr. Yi-Chun Lo, Deputy Director-General of Taiwan CDC, and Ms. Wen-Jane Tu, Director of BAPHIQ, Council of Agriculture, to share their experiences of international participation. Mr. Yi-Chun Lo shared his experiences in medical aid in Malawi, Africa, and how he was able to express himself in English and get closer to the local people there. Director Tu shared how she was able to negotiate internationally with fluent English and use precise wording in documents to get Taiwan out of a 24-year-long FMD disease zone. The 2030 Bilingual Nation Policy, with the collaborative efforts of various ministries and commissions, will enable professional ability and English language ability to complement each other. This will be achieved through the establishment of an English learning environment and the cultivation of the English language ability of our nationals. The policy will empower our nation's talent and guide them to the international stage where the world will recognize Taiwan through its soft power of professionalism.

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