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Taiwan Old Street: Sanxia Old Street


新聞圖片 一棟棟巴洛克式立面牌樓訴說著過過往的繁華與落盡,三峽老街乘載著前人生活的印記。 咬著香酥金牛角,玩著陶藝藍染,體驗著過往的點點滴滴,一趟循古道今之旅就此展開。 Numerous Baroque style buildings can be found at Sanxia Old Street. These classical buildings tell a story about the area’s prosperous history and provide a glimpse into the way our ancestors once lived. Enjoying the taste of “bull horn bread”, trying your hand at pottery and indigo dyeing, and experiencing the lifestyle of ancestors, these are just some of the ways to enjoy a trip in this unique place.

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