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It's Cherry Blossom Season!


新聞圖片 無法出國覺得「櫻櫻」美代子嗎? 在臺灣也能看到美麗的櫻花盛開喔, 從北到南。從山上到平地,「摶香弄粉」好時機, 防疫不出門,線上賞櫻一樣好開心~ 全台賞櫻勝地一次看,把握賞櫻好時節。 Are you feeling bored because you can't go abroad to see cherry blossoms this year? If you are, then we have great news. From north to south, from the valleys to the mountains, even online, you can see cherry bloosoms everywhere in Taiwan! Seize the best moment to see the cherry blossoms. Here are the 10 most beautiful places to see the blossoms.

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