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Slow Things Down and Rethink the Value of Life


新聞圖片 在全球疫情壟罩下,我們開始學著放慢腳步,重新思考生活, 分享兩句正能量名言,祝福大家平安健康、喜樂充滿。 - The first wealth is health.–Ralph Waldo Emerson 健康是人生第一財富–美國哲學家 愛默生 -Live well, Laugh often, Love much.–Bessie Anderson Stanley 善待生活,經常開懷大笑,熱愛一切–美國作家 貝西埃·安德森·史丹利 Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we learned to slow things down and rethink the value of life. We'd like to share two famous sayings with you and wish everyone peace, health and joy. -"The first wealth is health." – Ralph Waldo Emerson (American philosopher) - "Live well, laugh often, love much." – Bessie Anderson Stanley (American writer)

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