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Bilingual Nation 2030-MOEA


新聞圖片 2020年終於進入尾聲啦~今年全球受到疫情影響,許多國家的經濟都衰退 臺灣卻是少數正成長的國家! 這時候就讓我們把鎂光燈交給經濟部 努力扶植各產業的同時,經濟部在雙語化的投入也是非常亮眼呢    1.建置產業園區雙語友善投資環境 為了吸引國際企業來臺投資設廠,近期規劃開發之五大產業園區提供相關中英文資訊簡介及宣導資訊,並針對管理機構新進人員的招考增列英文試題;另加工出口區的投資申請案採雙語並行。    2.輔導餐飲、零售業者加強英語力 繼去年的「經典小鎮商家英語力輔導」專案獲得好評,今年再選定基隆環港、臺中草悟道、高雄鹽埕、花蓮三中區域,提升餐飲、零售店家英語環境和英語溝通能力,並建置「英語友善店家地圖」讓國內外民眾使用,打造雙語友善的消費環境! 3.輔導企業提升英語力 協助業者設計文案、推動商品文案英/外語化、影音錄製等,讓臺灣企業打入國際市場更精準!    4.運用數位科技創造普及的個別學習機會 工業局集結了臺灣智慧學習產業艦隊,辦理全英文「運算思維國際師資培訓工作坊」,以直播共學形式串起38國共同線上學習!    雙語編碎碎念 臺灣在這次疫情中逆勢成長 這都要感謝每一個認真生活的你 以及跟雙語編一樣認真花錢的人 溫馨提醒:三倍券還沒花完的人趕快把握最後一週囉~ 2020 is almost over! What did the Ministry of Economic Affairs due for the Bilingual National 2030 policy this year? Let’s take a look!    1.Creating a Bilingual-friendly Investment Environment for Industrial Parks In order to attract international companies to set up operations in Taiwan, the MOEA has been planning to provide Chinese and English information at 5 industrial parks. It is also hiring English-speaking talent for park management agencies, and offering bilingual investment application procedures.    2.Helping Restaurant, Retail Companies Improve English Following a well-received program to help improve English for small-town firms, the MOEA is launching a similar program for restaurant and retail operators in Keelung, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Hualien. It also created a map of English-friendly stores. 3.Encouraging Companies to Improve English The MOEA helped companies design packaging with English or other languages and record videos to help local companies break into international markets.    4.Using Digital Technology to Create Universal Individual Learning Opportunities The Industrial Development Bureau established the Taiwan Smart Learning Fleet to hold training workshops and stream learning content to 38 different countries.

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