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The Meeting on the 2030 Bilingual Nation Policy


新聞圖片 還記得11月23日第一次召開的「2030雙語國家政策諮詢會議」聚集了各界大人物來到國發會嗎? 接下來的第2、3場諮詢會議 持續由國發會龔主委和教育部潘部長共同主持 由副總統賴清德蒞臨指導!! 這2場會議聚焦當前臺灣雙語教育規劃, 現場邀請多位關心雙語教學的教育界及企業界人士共同討論, 從教育、社會及企業角度提供想法和建言, 集思廣益讓政府得以擘劃出對臺灣最好的雙語政策!! 賴副總統也在會中強調, 雙語教育應該要從我們的生活中開始做起, 讓雙語教學更活潑化, 激發出學習英文的興趣‼️ 為推動2030雙語國家政策超前部署!!! The second and third rounds of meetings on the 2030 Bilingual Nation policy have been held.   They were chaired by NDC Minister Kung, Ming-Hsin and Education Minister Pan, Wen-Chung, with Vice President William Lai as moderator. Experts from academia and businesses were invited to attend and share their views on bilingual education. Look for more news about how Taiwan will continue to work to become a completely bilingual nation! ——————————————————— 想知道更多雙語知識與培養國際觀? 快加入「雙語國家LINE官方帳號」! Want to get more bilingual information? Add the official Bilingual Nation Line account! LINE ID搜尋:@bilingualnation

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