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Bilingual Nation 2030-National Palace Museum


新聞圖片 不斷在傳統中創新求變的故宮, 在疫情期間推出了「線上故宮」系列,讓民眾宅在家也能VR逛展 身為外國遊客來台必逛的景點之一,故宮實在是邁向雙語化,甚至多語化的模範生呢! 1.展覽文宣及展場設計製作雙語化 展覽相關文宣和展場的各項平面設計,持續以中英文雙語設計與製作,讓國外觀眾也能瞭解展覽文物的歷史背景與特色 2.雙語呈現文創商品 故宮的文創商品既典雅又有梗,搭配中、英、日語文字說明,讓國外遊客參觀展覽後購買回國,還能宣傳推廣台灣的文化歷史之美 3.持續推動公開資料庫雙語化 「故宮Open Data專區」檢索頁面已採用中英雙語頁面,另「文物查詢下載」、「精選圖像下載」的文物品項名稱及說明,也持續由故宮文物專業研究員校對補充英譯說明。 #雙語編碎碎念 雙語編實在太佩服能把歷史古物翻譯成英語的強者了!現在台灣防疫解禁,趕快揪厝邊頭尾故宮逛起來吧! The National Palace Museum(NPM) has always strived to be accessible to foreign visitors, and it’s now using technology to let guests from all over the world enjoy its collection! 1.Bilingual Exhibit Information and Design The NPM is working to ensure that all materials are available in both English and Chinese, so visitors from abroad can understand each display’s history and special characteristics. 2.Bilingual Cultural Innovation Product Information The NPM’s cultural innovation products come with Chinese, English, and Japanese descriptions, so foreign guests can take their purchases back to their home countries and pass on Taiwan’s culture and history to people there. 3.Bilingual Open Data The NPM’s Open Data Platform is already bilingual, while Museum experts continue to add English descriptions for exhibition and image downloads. Let’s all support the NPM as it continues work on making its entire collection available in English!

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