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Bilingual Nation 2030-Ministry of the Interior


新聞圖片 你看過天龍八部,那你聽過「天下第一部」嗎? 人民的好管家 內政部 業務範圍從人口、地政到警政、國土規劃…等,真的是住海邊管很寬    為了要讓台灣這片土地上的每個人,都能更便利地生活,內政部推動了許多雙語化措施喔!    1.擴大友善雙語寺廟推動 外國朋友想拜月老、求紅線嗎?內政部聽到你們的聲音了! 內政部持續推動寺廟提供英語籤詩與設施服務,推廣台灣的宗教特色,這年代神明也要國際化!    2.增進內政/戶政機關雙語服務 加強旅客入出境查驗櫃檯上方指示畫面及自動查驗通關系統引導內容之雙語說明;並鼓勵戶政機關設置英語櫃檯或提供英語服務,打造雙語友善環境    3.辦理役男外語課輔公益服務 規劃推動替代役外語課輔公益服務,利用役男外語專長,協助提升學童外語學習之成效    4.提升內政業務雙語宣導 移民業務部分持續以多國語言宣導相關規範,讓外籍人士重要資訊不漏接。 且為便利外籍旅客至國家公園旅遊,將持續培訓英語導覽人員、指(告)示牌雙語化、印製中英文語版旅遊摺頁,並製作多語生態影片、雙語紀錄片提升國際能見度 雙語編碎碎念 業務包山包海的內政部,配合雙語化國家政策,讓新住民或外國旅客都能愛上台灣    The Ministry of the Interior does it all, from helping local governments, serving the public, development planning, and so much more! In order to improve quality of life for everyone in Taiwan, the Ministry of the Interior is offering a few ways to improve bilingual services!    1.Offering Bilingual Services for Temple Events Visiting Taiwan and hoping to pray to the God of Matchmaking? The Ministry of the Interior can help! The MOI has encouraged temples to offer English fortune sticks and other temple services to promote Taiwan’s unique religious heritage.    2.Expanding Bilingual Services at Relevant Government Offices Improving bilingual signage and instructions for travelers entering or exiting borders. Strengthening bilingual services at household registration offices by offering English service, or setting up an English service counter.    3.Creating English Teaching Substitute Services Developing an English Teaching Service option for Substitute Services Draftees, to allow them to utilize their foreign language skills to help improve students’ English proficiency.    4.Stepping Up Bilingual Promotions for Interior Affairs Continuing improving the accessibility of government agencies for immigrants and foreign visitors by offering information in multiple languages. Raising visibility of our National Parks on the world stage by increasing the availability of English-speaking tour guides, signage and travel brochures. Multimedia promotions will be made in several languages.       From the mountains to the sea, the Ministry of the Interior does it all to support the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy, and make sure that new residents and visitors alike fall in love with Taiwan!

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