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Many new policies were launched during tax season


新聞圖片 還記得今年報稅季,有很多新政策上路, 像新版報稅軟體上線、提高綜合所得稅的扣除額 還有購買節能家電退還貨物稅等, 不知道大家的感受如何? 一起來聽聽各種朋友對稅改的真心話 配合雙語國家政策,影片也有英文版哦 Many new policies were launched during tax season this year. For instance, the new tax filing software, increased deduction amount of individual income tax, and tax rebate for energy-saving home appliance purchases. How do you feel about these policies? Let's watch the heartfelt words from people in different walks of life in English

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