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【 The Disease prevention picture book is bilingualized too】


新聞圖片 把拔馬麻看過來! 配合國發會推動雙語國家政策,防疫的繪本也雙語化了, 小朋友常見的傳染病像是腸病毒、流感等都有英文介紹, 不但能邊看邊學英文,還能養成正確的衛生觀念,一舉兩得! (來源:衛福部疾管署) #2030雙語國家 #國發會 #雙語國家BilingualNation #防疫 #雙語繪本 #疾管署 Attention mommies and daddies! Under the promotion of the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy, The Disease Prevention picture book is bilingualized too. English introduction of the infectious diseases which are commonly seen on children, such as Enterovirus and flu, is now available. Parents can learn not only English but also the correct health concepts; how rewarding is that! #NDC #TaiwanCDC #BilingualNation2030 #DiseasePrevention #BilingualPictureBook

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