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Seafood lovers, Look here!


新聞圖片 原來我們常吃的吳郭魚英文是Tilapia, 日式料理會吃到的秋刀魚叫Saury Sanma! 配合雙語國家政策, 現在連魚及海鮮的英文名字都查得到 (來源:行政院農業委員會漁業署) #海鮮 #魚類 #2030雙語國家 #雙語國家BilingualNation Do you know what is Tilapia? And what is Saury Sanma? In accordance with the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy, now you can also look up the names of fish and seafood online. (Source: Fishery Agency, Council of Agriculture) #Fish #Seafood #BilingualNation2030

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