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Campus Fun Video Contest, Bilingual Nation 2030 A reflection on the Award Ceremony of “Hello! Taiwan Food”


新聞圖片 為推廣雙語國家政策,國發會以「Hello!臺灣美食」(Hello! Taiwan Foods)為主題舉辦校園英語創意短片徵選競賽;頒獎典禮於本(108)年7月27日下午以虛擬奧斯卡頒獎典禮方式辦理。在99件來自各級學校的參選作品中,由臺中市光明國中學生拍攝的影片奪得冠軍,並獲得網友投票最高的人氣獎。國發會陳美伶主委親自出席頒獎典禮,頒發獎狀及獎金給得獎的同學們。陳主委除大力讚揚同學的努力及創意外,亦期盼透過本次的活動,提升民眾對雙語政策的關注,讓大家能夠更認識雙語政策內容。 「虛擬奧斯卡為主題的頒獎典禮超有創意」 以虛擬奧斯卡為主題打造的「Hello!臺灣美食」校園創意短片頒獎典禮,邀請影片入圍前21強的同學們及親友團齊聚臺北三創生活園區,並安排臺南市崑山科技大學(Kun Shan University)、高雄科技大學(National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology)及臺北市永安國小(YongAn Elementary School)的學生設計橋段登臺表演,趣味及萌度爆表。 「21強齊秀臺灣美食 創意加英語流暢是重點」 本次短片徵選活動參賽作品共99件,經過專業外師評比後選出21組入圍影片角逐最後冠軍;從學齡來分,大學入圍有 8 部影片、高中有 3 部、國中小學則有 10 部。其中,國中小同學們所拍攝的影片,展現無限的創意及內容,更是讓外師評審們感到十分驚艷。 最終名次揭曉,來自臺中的光明國中同學蘇楙倫(Mao-Lun Su)同學,以超級英雄的「無限手套」(Infinity Gauntlet)作為創意發想,一舉抱回冠軍及網路人氣獎;亞軍則是就讀臺北市復興高中雙語部的曾姵璇(Pei-Hsuan Tseng)同學,希望透過三杯雞找到家的味道;季軍則由臺北市永安國小王翊盛(Yi-Sheng Wang)、林予歆(Yu-Hsin Lin)同學獲得,影片中用流暢的英語對話,道出豆漿油條的精彩美味。 身為本次競賽活動評審,同時也是拍攝許多介紹臺灣美食影片的知名 Youtuber Wes老師提及:「這次競賽真的有許多非常優秀的作品!」。除了得獎者以外,21 強中還有遠從澎湖馬公國中來的同學介紹澎湖美食,希望用英文讓全世界認識澎湖的美好。 「雙語政策提升使用英語的動力」 陳主委表示,相當期待下一梯次的校園影片競賽,希望可以看到更多來自學生推薦故鄉景點的英語創意影片,也期盼雙語政策可以透過一次次的活動更深入民心。 To promote the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy, the National Development Council (NDC) hold the 1st-round Campus Fun Video Contest, entitled “Hello! Taiwan Foods”. The award ceremony was held on July 27 with an Oscar Award fashion. Among the 99 videos submitted from all levels of school around the island, the video made by a student form the Taichung Municipal Kuang-Ming Junior High School won the first prize and the best-popularity award at the same time. NDC Minister Chen attended the award ceremony in person and presented the awards and prizes to the winning teams. Meanwhile, NDC Minister Chen applauded the efforts and creativity of participating students and expects much more attention and understanding of the general public towards this Bilingual Nation 2030 policy. “Creative award ceremony in Oscar fashion” The organizer has invited students and their families of the top 21 nominated teams to Taipei to attend this award ceremony being held at the venue of Syntrend Creative Park. Several attractive and interesting performances self-designed by the students are also arranged during the ceremony, including teams from Kun Shan University, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, YongAn Elementary School, etc. “Top 21 nominated teams demonstrating various Taiwan foods, the key to winning is creativity and English fluency” After the vigorous assessment process by professional foreign teachers, 21 teams are selected among the total 99 video works being submitted for the contest. By the age category, there are 8 videos from the college, 3 from senior high, and 10 from the junior high and primary schools. Among them, the videos by the junior high and primary school students have displayed limitless and promising creativity and impressed the foreign teachers very much. At the announcement of the award, Mao-Lun Su from Taichung Municipal Kuang-Ming Junior High School has won the first prize and the best-popularity award at the same time with his video creation inspired by the “Infinity Gauntlet” of Superhero movie. The second prize goes to Pei-Hsuan Tseng of Taipei Fuhsing Private School, who wants to recreate the home-made taste of 3-speicial chicken dish. The third prize goes to Yi-Sheng Wang and Yu-Hsin Lin of YongAn Elementary School, who are able to describe the delicious taste of soybean milk and fried bread sticks with fluent English. Youtuber Wes, as one of the appraisers for the contest and who has made many films on Taiwan’s food, has mentioned that there are indeed many excellent works for this competition. In addition to the award winners, there is also a team from Peng Hu County Makung Junior High School introducing delicious food of Peng Hu and letting the world know more about the beauty of Peng Hu as well. “Bilingual Nation 2030 policy has elevated the momentum of using English” NDC Minister Chen has expressed her anticipation that hopefully we could see more creative videos in English made by students for introducing their own hometowns, and that the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people through one after another fun activities.

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