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推動英語辯論教育 提升年輕世代人才競逐優勢~

Promoting English Debate Education, Enhancing the Competitive Advantages of Taiwan’s Young Generations


新聞圖片 為推廣雙語國家政策,國發會陳主委美伶今(18)日受邀出席由花旗(台灣)銀行與Fulbright Taiwan學術交流基金會(以下簡稱Fulbright基金會)共同舉辦的「推動英語辯論教育 培養批判思維」記者會;陳主委感謝花旗(台灣)銀行與Fulbright基金會、美國在台協會 (American Institute in Taiwan)、以及全美演講與辯論協會 (National Speech and Debate Association)共同合作推動「英語辯論教育」計畫,這是政府推動雙語國家政策以來,首次由多個民間相關單位主動提議合作推動的計畫,非常有意義。陳主委表示,雙語國家政策除了由政府部門從教育、觀光、經濟等面向推動各項策略外,同時亦結合民間資源,運用民間的力量,深化政府、學校、民間對雙語國家政策的廣泛參與,提升國人運用英語的軟實力。 國發會陳主委美伶在記者會的致詞中表示,面對全球化及國際化的浪潮,能使用國際溝通重要的英語,並擁有國際化視野,係提升國家競爭力之重要一環,而雙語國家這12年的政策,目標就是要「厚植國人英語力」與「提升國家競爭力」。推動英語辯論教育可以強化思辨、溝通、表達觀點、具備國際視野等軟能力,讓學生開始培養與世界做朋友的能力,進而培育我國的國際人才,讓台灣更有自信地走向世界,也加速讓世界進入台灣。 此外,陳主委也提到,政府以政策工具營造說英語的環境,創造提升英語力的需求,帶動學習英語的風氣,並已有許多具體成果,包括國發會已建置可供各界運用之「雙語資料庫學習資源網」,該平台彙集了政府及民間英語學習、英譯資源,且國發會為促進大眾瞭解及認同雙語國家政策內涵,並採取實質行動增進英語力,除運用數位媒體進行政策廣宣外,亦舉辦校園創意短片徵選、情境體驗、城市英語力趣味評比等多場實體活動,以營造全民參與風氣。另在教育方面,教育部推動教育體系的雙語活化,包括運用數位科技跨越城鄉空間障礙,讓偏鄉地區享有豐富英語學習資源,並逐步擴增英語人力資源,試辦沉浸式英語教學計畫等。 陳主委表示,期盼年輕世代的學子藉由「英語辯論教育」計畫,提升國際人才競爭優勢,而未來也相當期待雙語國家政策可以結合更多民間單位,透過公私協力,逐步達成2030年打造台灣成為雙語國家之願景。 In order to promote the Bilingual National 2030 policy, Minister Chen of the National Development Council was invited to attend the Press Conference on “Promoting English Debate Education, Cultivating Critical Thinking," jointly organized by Citibank (Taiwan) and Fulbright Taiwan, Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (hereinafter referred to as Fulbright Foundation) on September 18. The organizers are grateful to the various private sectors for their collaborative supporting efforts to promote Bilingual National 2030 policy. NDC Minister Chen expressed her gratitude to Citibank (Taiwan) for working with the Fulbright Foundation, the American Institute in Taiwan, and the National Speech and Debate Association to promote the English Debate Education program. As the government has been promoting the Bilingual National 2030 policy, it is very meaningful at this juncture that these private organizations have jointly proposed such an initiative for the very first time. NDC Minister Chen said that, in addition to the government agencies' promotion of various strategies on education, tourism and economy fronts, the Bilingual National 2030 policy has also incorporated available resources of the private sector to deepen the participation of the government agencies, schools of all levels as well as the general public, so as to enhance the soft power of our citizens in deploying English as an international communication tool.

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