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The Award Ceremony for the 1st Round Campus Fun Video Contest organized by NDC has come to a successful conclusion!


新聞圖片 感謝全國各大媒體熱情採訪,也感謝所有同學參與 本次國發會主辦《雙語國家政策廣宣計畫》 「Hello,台灣美食」第一梯次校園創意短片徵選活動已於108年7月27日圓滿結束, 之後我們將再推出第二梯次「你要去哪裡」影片徵選, 也請大家走過路過,千萬不要錯過喔 We the NDC would like to express our sincere appreciation to all major media outlets nationwide for their passion in reporting and all the students participating in our promotion plan for Bilingual National 2030 policy. “Hello, Taiwanese Food”—the 1st-Round Campus Fun Video Contest-- has come to successful conclusion on July 27 this year. Afterwards, we are going to put forward the 2nd-Round Campus Fun Video Contest, entitled “Where are you going?” So, don’t miss it anymore!

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