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3分鐘時事英語廣播 不一樣的月光:嫦娥奔月、玉兔搗藥與吳剛伐桂

Moon Festival: The Myths of Chang'e Flying to the Moon, the Jade Rabbit Grinding Medicine, and Wu Gang Chopping the Osmanthus Tree

2024/09/18 10:33:50 CEFR B1-B2 每周廣播


國發會與ICRT共同製播的時事英語廣播“The World in Brief”固定於每周三在雙語資源網更新,與大家一起聽時事學英文。

本周主題:不一樣的月光 Moon Festival

關於「中秋節」(Mid-Autumn Festival/Moon Festival)有許多不同的傳說故事,其中最廣為人知的莫過於嫦娥奔月、玉兔搗藥及吳剛伐桂了!傳說中,吳剛(Wu Gang)想長生不老且成為神,但由於吳剛生性懶惰,因此被玉皇大帝(Jade Emperor)送到月亮上,讓他砍倒巨大的桂樹,成功砍倒就能永遠像神一樣生活。而嫦娥(Chang’e),與愛人后羿分離,被送至月亮上,因此每年中秋節后羿(Hou Yi)都會擺上嫦娥最喜愛的食物,以此紀念她。想知道更多嗎?讓我們用3分鐘一起跟著主持人了解更多吧!

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Voice: You’re listening to the World in Brief …

Crowd: On tour!

Shelly: ‘Dear ICRT, why is “Mid-Autumn Festival” also called “Moon Festival?”

Host: Shelly in Shilin’s questioning the character of a cultural cornerstone! Come on, let’s go …

Mission Control: “… Landing in 5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1.”

Host: We’ve come to a world of charcoal gray craters and hills. Above our heads is never-ending blackness. The eternal vastness of space. And, far away, we see a familiar blue planet. We’re on the Moon! It’s one small step for man, … one giant leap for mankind. Woo-hoo! Hey, what’s that sound? Come on, let’s check it out …

Wu Gang: Here we go! Come on, tree!

Host: Excuse me …

Wu Gang: Excuse yourself! I’ve no time for your nonsense. Say what you need and leave me be. I must cut down this big fat tree!

Host: You’re very rude!

Wu Gang: Chop, chop, chop the tree! Then eternal life for me!

Chang’e: Oh, don’t mind him. He’s always grumpy.

Host: What’s his problem?

Chang’e: That’s Wu Gang. Long ago he lived on Earth. He dreamed of being made a god and living forever. But he was very lazy. So the Jade Emperor sent Wu Gang here, to the Moon, to cut down that enormous osmanthus tree. If successful, he would be allowed to live as a god forever.

Wu Gang: Chop, chop, chop the tree!

Chang’e: For the first time in his life, Wu Gang worked hard! He swung his axe over and over again, chopping and chopping and chopping, but to no avail. You see, that’s a magical osmanthus tree. Every time it’s cut, it heals itself.

Host: Whoa. So, Wu Gang could be up here trying to cut it down forever!

Chang’e: He’s already been here a very long time! Thousands of years, maybe.

Host: Gosh! No wonder he’s so grumpy … *gasp* Look at that, a little rabbit! It’s so cute! Hey there …

Chang’e: It won’t answer you, I’m afraid. We’re all super busy right now. There’s lots to do. We’re getting ready for Mid-Autumn Festival.

Host: You celebrate it here too, on the Moon?

Chang’e: I suppose we do, in our own way. Well, Wu Gang doesn’t celebrate anything! But we do, the rabbit and I. I don’t know what I’d do without it.

Host: Sorry, I just realized! I don’t know your name yet …

Chang’e: No need to apologize! I am Chang’e, Goddess of the Moon.

Host: Oh my! I know you! You’re the wife of legendary archer Hou Yi! You came to live up here, on the Moon, while he had to stay on Earth.

Chang’e: Yes. Every Mid-Autumn Festival, he would display all of my favorite foods, like mooncakes! With the light of the Moon, I could see everything. I could even see his tear-filled eyes gazing up at me from far away. I miss him.

Host: Goodness. What a sad, romantic story. There are so many tales of the Moon and this holiday. Is that why some people call it “Moon Festival?”

Chang’e: Yes, I think so. the Moon and this festival are inseparable. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to help the Jade Rabbit finish making its medicine!

Host: Oh, no problem. It was a real pleasure to meet you, Chang’e! Thanks, bye!



come on (phrasal verb) 快點、快來

Come on, I know you’re on a diet, but forget it for today and let’s share one of each flavor these scrumptious-looking mooncakes come in… pretty please?


leave (sb or sth) be (idiom) 不要打擾(某人或某事)

Please leave the Jade Rabbit be – it needs to focus on making medicine that grants us eternal youth and smooths away wrinkles!


don’t mind sb (idiom) 不用管(某人)、忽略(某人)、別太介意

When she’s intent as on a project as Wu Gang is, she forgets her manners and says whatever she thinks; but don’t mind her, she’s not trying to offend you.


grumpy (adj.) 脾氣壞的、易生氣的、愛抱怨的

That poor guy gets grumpy like Wu Gang when he feels like none of his constant all-out efforts result in any progress at all in getting raises and promotions.


to no avail (idiom) 無濟於事

Used to perceiving a man’s face on the light and dark surfaces of the moon, he tried to no avail to see the rabbit his friends pointed out during Taiwan’s Moon Festival.  

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