3分鐘時事英語廣播 善的臺灣:慈善無國界
Charity in Taiwan: Charity Knows No Borders
2024/09/04 09:34:30 CEFR B1-B2 每周廣播
國發會與ICRT共同製播的時事英語廣播“The World in Brief”固定於每周三在雙語資源網更新,與大家一起聽時事學英文。
本周主題:善的臺灣 Charity in Taiwan
土耳其因2023年發生的兩次大地震,造成嚴重的損失,臺灣是第一個提供援助的國家之一,不僅派遣搜救隊協助,還捐贈了衣物及3920萬美元。而每年的9月5日是國際慈善日(International Day of Charity),節日的創立是受到德蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa)的啟發,她幫助了窮人和病人45年,並獲得諾貝爾和平獎(Nobel Peace Prize)。行善的舉動其實很簡單,像是賣舊物、參與淨灘活動、擔任志工等等,皆可以感受到幫助他人的快樂。想知道更多嗎?讓我們用3分鐘一起跟著主持人了解更多吧!
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Voice: You’re listening to the World in Brief …
Crowd: … On tour!
Tom: ‘Dear ICRT, what’s the difference between ‘charity’ and ‘philanthropy?’
Host: Tom in Taichung’s demanding some definitive dictionary definitions! Let’s go.
Host: Here we are! We’re looking up at a massive, ancient castle, sitting proudly on the peak of a small hill. It’s a breathtaking sight! The castle’s protected by huge brown stone walls. They look strong and sturdy. I’m sure it would take a lot to break down these barriers!
Expert: You’re not wrong! That’s Gaziantep Castle you’re looking at. The Romans built it over 2,000 years ago. It’s had many owners since then. This place has been conquered and reconquered throughout history. All the while, its defenses stood strong. It took two plus-7 magnitude earthquakes to finally bring its walls down.
Host: Gosh, that sounds terrifying! When did that happen?
Expert: Last year, in 2023.
Host: Then we must be in Türkiye. I remember those two earthquakes well. They happened in February. Both of them were huge and devastating.
Expert: Yes, they were. More than 50,700 people were killed, and around 107,000 more were injured. Many cities were badly damaged, both here and in Syria.
Host: I’m sorry. I know first-hand just how scary an earthquake can be. We experienced a major one ourselves this year, over in Taiwan.
Expert: You’re Taiwanese?
Host: Yes.
Expert: Then you have nothing to be sorry about! Taiwan was one of the first nations to send us aid. You sent us search and rescue teams, and money to help us rebuild our lives. Your government sent US$2.2 million. Then the Taiwanese people raised another US$37 million! We couldn’t be more grateful.
Host: Goodness … I had no idea!
Expert: That’s not all! After the earthquakes, our Turkish Trade Office in Taipei started a campaign collecting clothes and other useful things. The Taiwanese people donated 200 tons! Taiwan must be a very kind, charitable place.
Host: I suppose so. What’s the difference between charity and philanthropy?
Expert: They’re very similar. Both of them exist to help people in need. I guess the big difference between them is time. Charity is more of a short-term solution. It helps people who need it right now. Philanthropy is more long-term. It looks for the root of a problem and tries to solve it. Why do you ask?
Host: My friend in Taichung wanted to know. The International Day of Charity is this week. I guess that’s why it’s on his mind …
Expert: That’s right! It’s on September 5th every year. It was inspired by Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She helped the poor and sick for over 45 years. She won the Nobel Peace Prize for her charity.
Host: You know this holiday very well!
Expert: Yes, my family loves it! It’s one of our favorite holidays. We try to do as many charitable things as we can. We raise money selling old stuff, like books and toys. We get involved in mountain clean-ups, or beach clean-ups, or we volunteer at homeless shelters. And we always donate whatever we can.
Host: Wow! You and your family really are very generous people.
Expert: Thanks. It feels really great to help others. Everyone should give it a go!
Host: Let’s hope they do! It was nice to meet you. Bye!
definitive (adj.) 最佳的、最完整可靠的
The philanthropist funded research to get a definitive description of the kind of support that would best serve to raise rural high school graduation rates.
aid (n.) (向貧弱國家提供的食品、金錢、醫療物資、武器等)援助、救助
When major disasters happen abroad, Taiwan often offers aid in forms, such as rescue or medical teams, financial assistance, or necessary items.
couldn’t be more (idiom) 不能再多了、超級…
After days spent with little food or clean water, the residents couldn’t have been more relieved to see the convoy of aid trucks in their neighborhood.
on one’s mind (idiom) 深思的事、煩惱的事
The plight of all the people displaced after the Türkiye earthquakes was always on her mind, so she held a charity run to raise funds to help them.
give it a go (idiom) 鼓起勇氣
He had never volunteered but wanted to try, so he gave it a go with a charity matching his interests and was amazed at how fulfilling giving his time was.