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3分鐘時事英語廣播 街頭藝術:臺灣塗鴉文化的蓬勃發展

Street Art: The Flourishing of Taiwan's Graffiti Culture

2024/08/28 09:29:42 CEFR B1-B2 每周廣播


國發會與ICRT共同製播的時事英語廣播“The World in Brief”固定於每周三在雙語資源網更新,與大家一起聽時事學英文。

本周主題:街頭藝術 Street Art

西門町為臺灣街頭藝術的發源地,深受美國嘻哈文化的影響,民眾被其大膽的色彩運用、風格化的文字及詳細和複雜的圖樣所吸引。而臺灣知名的藝術家們包括Reach、Mister OGAY和BLACKZAO等皆為臺灣「塗鴉俱樂部」(The Graffiti Social Club)的一員。現今,臺灣各城市皆有塗鴉牆供街頭藝術愛好者進行創作,其中最大的在成美左岸河濱公園。對臺灣塗鴉文化有興趣的朋友,不要錯過即將結束的,「逃亡計劃」(Escape PLAN “X”)特展!想知道更多嗎?讓我們用3分鐘一起跟著主持人了解更多吧!

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Voice: You’re listening to the World in Brief …

Crowd: On tour! 

Greg: ‘Dear ICRT, my wife always says that “art heals the soul.” Is she right?

Host: Greg in Gaoshu’s scrutinizing his spouse’s set assumptions! Let’s go.

Host: We’ve arrived! We’re in an inner-city park. Trees are dotted all around, kids are playing sports, and dog walkers are wandering along well-kept paths. It’s a gray day. The air is thick with dark clouds. Everything looks a bit gray, in fact. Gray, or brown, or dark green … There’s not much color here at all.

Expert: Are you serious?

Host: Excuse me?

Expert: Hey! This guy says there’s no color here! Do yourself a favor. Turn around …

Host: *gasp* Oh my goodness! Listeners, we’ve been standing in front of a long, multicolored graffiti wall this whole time!

Expert: This isn’t just a graffiti wall! This is the Berlin Wall! One of the 20th Century’s most iconic historical structures.

Host: So we’re in Germany. But wasn’t the Berlin Wall famously torn down?

Expert: Yes, it was. Most of it is gone now, but some of it’s still standing. What’s left is a useful reminder of the hardships of the Cold War.

Host: This wall was a symbol then, wasn’t it? A visual representation of the dangerous divisions between East and West.

Expert: Yes. The whole city was split in half. Berliners weren’t allowed to cross this wall, not even to see their family. Anyone who tried was shot on sight.

Host: That sounds awful. But look at your wall now! It’s absolutely beautiful.

Expert: Thanks! Street art has been vital to Berlin’s recovery. It’s an expression of freedom, something we didn’t have during the Cold War. It’s helped us to heal.

Host: So, art really can heal the soul. I must remember to tell Greg in Gaoshu.

Expert: Gaoshu … that’s in Taiwan, right?

Host: Yes. I’m Taiwanese.

Expert: Cool! Then you must have heard of “The Graffiti Social Club.” It’s an art collective, featuring some of Taiwan’s best street artists. Folks like Reach, Mister OGAY, and BLACKZAO.

Host: I’ve never heard of it before. Is street art popular in Taiwan?

Expert: Of course! Cities all over Taiwan have graffiti walls, ready for the public to use. They’re great for honing your skills and cultivating creativity. The largest in Taipei is in the Chengmei Left Bank Riverside Park. You should check it out!

Host: I will! How did street art get so popular in Taiwan?

Expert: It all started in Ximending, in Taipei. That’s where Taiwan’s hip-hop culture first began. People would go there to DJ, or to skate, or to buy American clothes. Graffiti art was imported from the West too. Fans were attracted by its bold use of color, stylized text, and its surprisingly detailed and complex imagery.

Host: Is graffiti art always done in the same style?

Expert: Not necessarily. Every artist has their own style. Street art in Taiwan is mostly painted, with lots of bright colors. It sends a message of joy and creativity.

Host: You know so much! I wish I knew more about Taiwan’s graffiti scene …

Expert: Well then, get yourself to ‘Escape PLAN “X”’ in Taichung. It ends this week! I wish I could go with you.

Host: Maybe next time. Thanks for all your help, bye! 



spouse (n.) 配偶

Lady Pink, a graffiti artist since 1979, is married to SMITH, another graffiti artist; the spouses both collaborate and work independently in New York City.


assumption (n.)  假設、臆斷

Some people make assumptions about graffiti artists, believing they’re all bored kids with a spray can, but some graffiti artists exhibit in art galleries and museums.


inner-city (adj.) 市中心窮人居住的

The tags around the windows of some aging inner-city buildings go as far as spray cans can reach, some simple, some detailed, some ugly, and some elegant.  


Are you serious? (phrase) 千萬別這麼說、你是認真的嗎?

When he said, “Are you serious?” after I said I loved graffiti, his expression and tone told me he wasn’t asking if I was kidding; he was saying he disapproved!


hardship (n.) 艱苦、困難

Reach, one of Taiwan’s pioneering street artists, endured financial hardships as a full-time street artist, but he has said they strengthened him and enriched his career.

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