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3分鐘時事英語廣播 2024巴黎奧林匹克運動會:臺灣選手制服亮點及奧運歷史

The Olympic Games of Paris 2024: Highlights of Taiwanese Athletes' Uniforms and Olympic History

2024/07/26 09:22:01 CEFR B1-B2 每周廣播


國發會與ICRT共同製播的時事英語廣播“The World in Brief”固定於每周三在雙語資源網更新,與大家一起聽時事學英文。

本周主題:2024巴黎奧林匹克運動會 The Olympic Games of Paris 2024

四年一度的奧運會本屆將於巴黎舉行,將從7月26日至8月11日進行32項賽事,包括霹靂舞(breaking)、攀岩(sport climbing)及衝浪(surfing)等比賽項目。而開幕式將於臺灣時間7月27日的凌晨1點30開始,臺灣選手將身穿採用新的碳捕捉技術(carbon capture technology)的西裝外套登場。奧運最初為宗教慶典,於古希臘舉行;而在1896年後,旨在促進運動家精神及藉由體育運動增加國家之間團結的現代奧運出現。想知道更多嗎?讓我們用3分鐘一起跟著主持人了解更多吧!

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Voice: You’re listening to the World in Brief …

Crowd: On tour!

Alex: ‘Dear ICRT, I saw a huge crowd of people chanting at the airport, what is happening?

Host: Alex in Taoyuan wants to know what the gathering crowds at Taoyuan International Airport are all about. Let’s go!

Host: We’re here! There’s so much going on. I see rolling suitcases, people chanting, and big troops of people walking towards the Departure gate.

Expert: Those are Taiwan Olympic athletes you’re seeing! They are headed to Paris, France, for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

Host: Oh hello! You seem insightful!

Expert: Well… it’s my job to be caught up on all Olympics news. I’m a sports reporter.

Host: Wow! Seems like there are big events! When are the Olympic Games?

Expert: From July 26th to August 11th. The opening ceremony is set to begin at 1:30 am on July 27th, Taiwan time.

Host: The Olympics openings almost feel like a fashion show. I wonder what uniforms they’re going to wear.

Expert: The uniforms were revealed earlier this year at the Taipei Fashion Week 2024 Autumn-Winter! The suit jackets feature a new carbon capture technology, which recycles carbon emissions to create low-carbon synthetic fibers.

Host: Cool, cool!

Expert: Hey look! That’s the famous weightlifting athlete Kuo Hsing-Chun.

Host: Whoa. How many athletes are there competing in the 2024 Olympics?

Expert: There are over ten thousand athletes spread across 32 sports! This year, we’ll see many disciplines like breaking, sport climbing, and surfing!

Host: How exciting! Sounds like a great opportunity to learn more about different sports. Will I be able to watch from home?

Expert: Yes! They will be live streamed on television channels all over the world.

Host: It’s fascinating how we’ll be watching the same games from different parts of the world. How did the Olympics first appear?

Expert: The Olympics date back to Ancient Greece.

Host: Tell me more!

Expert: Originally, they were a part of a religious festival in honor of Zeus. Athletes from different Greek city-states would come together at Olympia to compete. This went on until Emperor Theodosius I banned this event to promote Christianity.

Host: How come we still have the Olympics today, then?

Expert: Because it was revived in 1896 in hopes of promoting sportsmanship while fostering a sense of unity through sports. The Olympics expanded greatly in scale and now are much more diverse, which also explains the logo.

Host: The logo?

Expert: The five-colored rings! They represent the union of the five continents. After all, sport is often seen as something that brings everyone together.

Host: Thanks for all the insight. I better go tell Alex in Taoyuan about all of this! Bye!



chant (v.) 重複地說、反覆呼喚、反覆唱頌

When audiences chant, they may feel a sense of power and participation in sports events; chanting also can constructively channel strong emotions for some people.


synthetic (adj.) 合成的、人造的

Taiwan’s 2024 Olympic uniforms showcase the technological skills of the country’s textile industry in producing more sustainable, low-carbon synthetic fibers and fabric.


emperor (n.) 皇帝

While Emperor Theodosius I ended the ancient Olympics, an earlier Roman Emperor, Nero, competed one year and was declared the winner of every event he was in. 


revive (v.) (使)復興、重新舉辦

One attempt to revive the Olympics, the Wenlock Olympian Games, has been ongoing annually in England since 1850 and inspired what we know as the modern Olympics.


foster (v.) 促進、鼓勵、培養

Although national teams, flags, and pride are on display at the Olympics and there are intense intercountry rivalries, the aim of the Games is to foster solidarity through sports.  

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