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3分鐘時事英語廣播 臺灣幸福指數:臺灣擊敗日韓成為東亞最幸福國家

World Happiness Index of Taiwan: Taiwan Beat Japan and Korea to be the Happiest Country in East Asia

2024/05/22 09:42:18 CEFR B1-B2 每周廣播


國發會與ICRT共同製播的時事英語廣播“The World in Brief”固定於每周三在雙語資源網更新,與大家一起聽時事學英文。

本周主題:臺灣幸福指數 World Happiness Index of Taiwan

反烏托邦(Dystopia)為一個虛構的國家,做為世界幸福指數(World Happiness Index)的對照組。世界幸福指數是用資料、指標及統計數據進行的一項大規模全球研究,每年找出世界上最幸福的國家。芬蘭已經連續七年成為世界幸福指數最高的國家,臺灣本次排於第31名,擊敗日本和韓國成為東亞最幸福的國家!想知道更多嗎?讓我們用3分鐘一起跟著主持人了解更多吧!

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Voice: You’re listening to the World in Brief …

Crowd: On tour! 

Alan: ‘Dear ICRT, I’m not sure if I’m “quite happy,” or “very happy.” What’s the difference?’

Host: Alan in Yilan’s quite confused! Or, is he very confused …? Let’s find out!

Host: We’re here! Oh gosh, what a miserable place this is. There’s no color here. Everything’s black and white, like an old movie. Leafless, lifeless trees loom over our heads, the ground is sludgy and gray, and the air is filled with a horrible stench. I’m not sure about this, you guys. This place is spooky. Let’s get out of here …*gasp* What was that?! Hello? Is anybody there?

Dystopian: I’m here. I’m always here …

Host: Oh, hi! Wow, am I glad to see you!

Dystopian: Glad? What does that mean, “glad?”

Host: To be glad is to feel happy, of course!

Dystopian: “Happy.” What is “happy?”

Host: You’re joking. You don’t know what “happy” means?

Dystopian: No, sorry. I’m such a dummy

Host: Are you crying? Wait, don’t cry! You’re not a dummy, really! … Err …Is anybody else here?

Expert: Can I help?

Host: Yes, please! I think I may have upset your friend, he won’t stop crying.

Expert: Oh, he’ll be alright. Hey buddy. Why don’t you go wash your face, have a glass of water, and calm yourself down … OK?

Dystopian: *sob* OK. *sob* *sob*

Host: That’s got to be the saddest guy I’ve ever seen.

Expert: Naturally. This is Dystopia, the saddest country ever created!

Host: “Created?” You mean, this place isn’t real?

Expert: That’s right. Dystopia is a fictional country. An invented place, real only in our imaginations, and filled with the world’s least-happy people.

Host: But, why would anyone ever want to imagine a place like this?

Expert: It was made for the World Happiness Index. Do you know what that is?

Host: I think so … it’s a massive, global study, right? An annual analysis to find the world’s happiest countries.

Expert: Correct! It’s a scientific study, using data, metrics and statistics. Like most scientific experiments, it needs a “control group,” a place that never changes, to accurately measure real-world countries. Somewhere they can categorically call the saddest place ever … Welcome to Dystopia!

Host: Gee, thanks. I wish we’d gone to the world’s happiest country instead!

Expert: This year’s study found Finland to be the world’s happiest country again. They’ve been number one for seven years in a row!

Host: That’s impressive! What about Taiwan?

Expert: Taiwan’s in at number 31. It beat Japan and South Korea to officially be named the happiest country in East Asia!

Host: That’s great news! Hey, quick question: would you say Taiwan was “quite happy” or “very happy?”

Expert: It’s very happy, I think! “Quite” means “a little,” and “very” means “a lot.” Why do you ask?

Host: Oh, no reason. I’m just helping out a friend. Thanks! I’ve got what I need, I’m getting out of here … Peace!



loom(不希望或不愉快的事情)陰森地逼近 (v.)

As soon as the happy couple got engaged, they did a lot of planning so that no financial issues would loom over them as they settled down and started a family. 


dummy 傻瓜 (n.)

He’s no dummy – he’s actually very intelligent, but his low self-confidence keeps his career from advancing as quickly as it could.


dystopia 反烏托邦 (n.)

Diplomats and aid agencies struggle to stop conflict areas from turning into dystopias for civilians, who face fear, famine, and forced displacement.


fictional 虛構的 (adj.)

The World Happiness Report’s fictional Dystopia arises from the lowest country values found for healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, generosity, corruption, and GDP per capita.


categorically 絕對地;明確地 (adv.)

While the connection between happiness levels and cultural factors is not categorically clear, these factors may influence what a society understands happiness to be. 

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