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與財經M平方(MacroMicro)的資深金融研究員 Jason Shin認識股市熱潮


2024/05/15 09:47:03 CEFR C1-C2 Podcast

Taiwan’s stock market is hot, hot, hot! Join Tim, Paz, and their guest Jason Shin, Senior Research Analyst at MacroMicro, a macro investing online platform, as they discuss what factors are driving the stock market here and what some investment alternatives to stocks are, depending on your risk appetite! Then find out what go belly up, have currency, ride the wave, bulls make money, bears make money, pigs lose money, and liquidity mean!



commodity 商品 (n.)

The analysis of a commodity market for products such as crude oil, natural gas, and wheat includes the impact of wars and conflicts on supply and demand.


retail investor 散戶,菜籃族 (n.)

Retail investors, or individual investors, are non-professional investors who buy and sell stocks, mutual funds, ETFs and other securities for themselves with their own money.


surge 激增 (n.)

The demand for data infrastructure to support the proliferation of generative AI in all sectors has fueled the surge in Taiwan’s economic growth.


indicator 指標 (n.)

Investment tools using generative AI can inform investors about what macroeconomic indicators to look for, what their most recent values are, and where the information is.


proportion 比例;比率 (n.)

Some investors’ holdings include a large proportion of hot tech stocks, but other investors’ portfolios are diversified to avoid the risk of relying on one industry.

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