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【The Coastline of Taiwan】Ghost Festival in Keelung—An Exploration into the Zhongyuan Festival and Water Lantern Culture

2024/03/22 11:38:45 CEFR B1-B2

本集中,Leo豪哥介紹台灣最盛大的中元祭之一就在基隆,距今已有 168 年的歷史了。當地居民除了舉辦盛大的遊行外,還會點亮紙房子、水燈並放流至大海。農曆七月十五日,還會有一場隆重的祭祀儀式。Leo 全程參與了祭祀活動,對於這個傳統祭典有更深一層的了解。


In this episode, Leo reveals that one of Taiwan's grandest Zhongyuan Festivals is held in Keelung, with a history spanning over 168 years. In addition to a grand parade, locals light up paper houses (water lanterns) and send them into the water. On the 15th day of the lunar seventh month, there is a ceremonious worship event. Leo fully participates in the event, gaining a deeper understanding of the tradition of the Zhongyuan Festival.


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課程節目來源: TaiwanPlus【Happy Fisherman】

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