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3分鐘時事英語廣播 白沙屯媽祖進香:超過兩個世紀的傳統與信仰

3-minute Broadcast Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage: The Tradition and Faith Over Two Centuries

2024/03/13 09:24:46 CEFR B1-B2 每周廣播


國發會與ICRT共同製播的時事英語廣播“The World in Brief”固定於每周三在雙語資源網更新,與大家一起聽時事學英文。

本周主題:白沙屯媽祖進香 Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage

一年一度的白沙屯媽祖進香(Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage)已舉辦超過200年,今年的活動將於3月18日啟程,此為臺灣最長的徒步進香,而每年的起點及終點皆為苗栗的白沙屯拱天宮(Baishatun Gong Tian Temple)。進香之旅現在也能於線上關注,只要下載「白沙屯媽祖App」(Baishatun Mazu App)或是在YouTube搜尋「白沙屯媽祖電視台」(Baishatun Matsu Internet TV),即可於線上一同參與。想知道更多嗎?讓我們用3分鐘一起跟著主持人了解更多吧!

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Voice: You’re listening to the World in Brief …

Crowd: On tour! 

Billy: ‘Dear ICRT, my wife says I don’t love her enough. What should I do?!

Host: Billy in Yunlin needs some good, old-fashioned relationship advice! Here we go!

Host: We’ve arrived! Oh my … just look at this wonderful white sand beach! We’re facing seaward. The ocean is glinting like glass in the sunshine. Kids and their dogs are paddling together, teasing the tide, while fishing boats bob up and down in the water. It’s so wholesome here! Oh good, a jogger! Maybe they can help us …

Expert: Good day!

Host: Hi! Sorry, where are we exactly?

Expert: Tongxiao Township, in Miaoli. This is Baishatun Fishing Harbor.

Host: “Baishatun” … why does that sound so familiar?

Expert: Perhaps you’ve heard of our town’s famous annual event? The Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage.

Host: Of course! Taiwan’s longest foot pilgrimage. So, it starts here?

Expert: That’s right. The route is circular, so it starts and ends here, at the Baishatun Gong Tian Temple. It’s around 400 kilometers in total, give or take …

Host: You mean, no one knows how long the route is?

Expert: No, not exactly. It changes every year. Mazu is our navigator. Her statue tells us the way to go.

Host: I don’t understand …

Expert: The reason for our pilgrimage is to show love and devotion to Mazu. So, she comes with us! Her statue is carried around in a big, pink, people-powered carriage, called a palanquin. Whenever we feel it lean or move, we change direction. Faithful followers believe it’s the goddess herself, guiding the crowd.

Host: I see! So, depending on Mazu’s mood, you could go anywhere!

Expert: Exactly! She regularly leads us up mountains, or through forests, or into supermarkets. One time we had to wade across the Zhuoshui River!

Host: That’s true love right there! Oh, that reminds me! Could you help my friend in Yunlin? His wife says he needs to be more loving …

Expert: He should listen more! He has to do something romantic, she’s crying out for affection. She’ll be there for him when no one else is, after all, just like Mazu is for us. She’s our guardian goddess, there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for her. It’s been the same here for decades, for centuries even!

Host: How old is this event?

Expert: OK, let me think … the temple here was built in 1863, but the pilgrimage is much older than that. So, I guess it must be over 200 years old.

Host: I’m sure it’s changed a lot since then …

Expert: Yes it has. Thanks to social media, people at home can now follow our pilgrimage online! 

Host: You mean, they can track the trek?

Expert: Exactly! They just have to install the “Baishatun Mazu App” on their device, and they can follow the whole event online! They can watch us too if they search for “Baishatun Matsu Internet TV” on YouTube.

Host: “Us?” So, you’ll be taking part in the pilgrimage too this year, I guess?

Expert: Yep! Our journey begins this year on March 18th, I can’t wait!

Host: Good luck, and thanks a lot! Bye! 



palanquin 擔在肩上的轎子 (n.)

During the pilgrimage, some pilgrims prostrate themselves in two side-by-side lines and wait for Mazu’s palanquin to pass over them, hoping this will bring them her protection.


follower 信徒 (n.)

Followers should never touch the divine palanquin or stand directly above it, such as when they’re on a pedestrian overpass overlooking the route. 


cry out 迫切需要某物 (phrasal verb)

The long, unpredictable route covering four counties cries out for comfortable, sturdy shoes as well as an unshakeable determination to complete the pilgrimage.


be there for (someone) 總是在(某人)身邊(提供幫助) (idiom)

To make his wife feel more loved, Billy needs to show his love by doing two things: being more romantic and always being there for her when she needs him.


trek 長途跋涉 (n.)

Pilgrims make the roughly 400-kilometer trek from Baishatun Gong Tian Temple to Beigang Chao Tian Temple and back to show love and devotion to the goddess Mazu. 

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