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與< 掐米亜店>的掐米(Chami)認識元宵擺暝嘉年華


2024/02/21 11:08:46 CEFR C1-C2 Podcast

Get a glimpse into the fascinating Matsu Islands’ Lantern Festival with Tim, Paz, and their guest, Matsu YouTuber Chami. Chami champions Matsu’s culture and dialect on her show, 掐米亜店, and you’ll learn some words that describe features of the festival procession perfectly: 擺暝 (pē màng / pě màng), 碗燕 (uāng iěng / uang ngiěng), 拍鼓板 (phák kū pēing / phǎh kú bēing), 迎神 (ngiàng sìng / ngiǎng nìng). You’ll want to see it for yourself! Finally, find out what Tim, Paz, and Chami think about the terms have receipts, dialect, and beat!


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dedication 致力,奉獻 (n.)subtitle 字幕 (n.)

Chami’s dedication to using the Matsu dialect in her videos is great, but since not many people know it, she adds Mandarin subtitles to make her content more accessible.


procession 行列,隊伍 (n.)

People following the festival procession know what section of the route it’s on since each features different musical instruments; a change means a different god is visiting.  


interaction 互動 (n.)

In one captivating part of the Baiming procession, the deity palanquins weave and spin together as if in greeting; we can only imagine what the gods say in these interactions.


nap 午睡,小睡 (n.)insight 見解 (n.)

On the 29th day of the first lunar month, you can take a nap at a temple; if you dream, dream interpreters can help you see if your dreams provide insights into your problems.


embody 體現,使具體化 (v.)

Chami’s favorite term in the Matsu dialect is "拍鼓板" (phák kū pēing / phǎh kú bēing)

because the traditional drumbeat embodies the spirit of Matsu’s celebrations for her.

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