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3分鐘時事英語廣播 元宵擺暝嘉年華:臺灣文化精粹的璀璨綻放


2024/02/21 10:12:52 CEFR B1-B2 每周廣播


國發會與ICRT共同製播的時事英語廣播“The World in Brief”固定於每周三在雙語資源網更新,與大家一起聽時事學英文。


於馬祖所舉行的元宵擺暝嘉年華(Matsu Lantern Festival Baiming Carnival)是臺灣最重要的年度活動之一,也是組成臺灣豐富文化歷史的重要部份。在此活動中可以看到獨特的馬祖風燈(Matsu Wind Lanterns)、參與傳統遊行、享受傳統民俗音樂表演、 體驗五靈公廟祈夢活動等等。活動從2月21日至3月9日舉行,有興趣的朋友們不要錯過了!想知道更多嗎?讓我們用3分鐘一起跟著主持人了解更多吧!

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Voice: You’re listening to the World in Brief …

CrowdOn tour! 

Brian: ‘Dear ICRT, I want to do something totally different for the Lantern Festival this year. Any advice?’

Host: Brian in Changhua wants to try something new for the Luner New Year! Let’s go!

Host: We’ve arrived! But, where are we? We’re surrounded by water, so we must be on an island … Behind us is a magnificent temple, covered in intricate stone carvings, and topped with a curved orange roof. There are trees all around us. And, up on that hill, there’s a giant statue of a majestic, beautiful woman ...

Expert: Hi there! What do you think of our Matsu statue?

Host: Of course! That’s Matsu, Goddess of the Sea. I thought I recognized her … Hey! I think I know where we are! Is this the famous Queen of Heaven Temple?

Expert: Yes it is! You’re on Nangan, the largest of all the Matsu Islands.

Host: I knew it! So, this is Nangan Township … I heard Matsu’s body is buried here, is that true?

Expert: Yes it is! According to legend, the goddess’ body washed up on our shores many years ago. She drowned in the ocean, trying to save her father. Her stone coffin is right here, in the temple’s main hall. I’ll show you, if you like?

Host: Maybe some other time. Right now, I have to focus. My friend is looking to do something totally different for Lantern Festival this year.

Expert: Well, you’ve come to the right place! Ever heard of the Baiming* Carnival?

Host: No, I haven’t …

Expert: Really?! You should check it out! It’s one of our country’s most significant annual events, and an important part of Taiwan’s rich cultural history.

Host: Tell me everything! What happens here?

Expert: All kinds! It’s an event spread over four townships, across five islands.

Host: What can we expect to see?

Expert: Well, you’ll see lots of our distinctive ‘Matsu Wind Lanterns.’ We hang them everywhere! They’re quite beautiful. And, you won’t want to miss our annual pilgrimage.

Host: That’s a kind of religious journey, isn’t it?

Expert: Exactly. It’s a procession of faithful worshippers, dressed in colorful costumes, lighting loud firecrackers and cleaning the streets. They’re preparing for the arrival of the gods.

Host: I love the sound of firecrackers! They’re so exciting, like drums!

Expert: If you like drums, you’ll love “Da Guban!” It’s a traditional contest, where locals compete to make the best music. It’s really fun!

Host: Wow! So, the Baiming Carnival is quite a noisy affair?

Expert: It doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of other, much quieter activities here to enjoy. Many people like to make offerings at the ancient Wulinggong Temple, for example, over on Beigan Island. They sleep there, hoping the gods might enter their thoughts, hear their prayers, and make their dreams come true!

Host: You mean, people sleep together in the temple, all in the same room?

Expert: Yes! They bring sleeping bags with them and everything!

Host: Wow! People here must be really close. This Carnival is a real community event, isn’t it?

Expert: Yes it is. And, it’s not just for the Matsu community either. All visitors here are welcome to join any of our big community feasts. They’re delicious, and full of fun!

Host: The Baiming Carnival sounds perfect for my friend! When is it?

Expert: This year it’s on from February 21st to March 9th.

Host: Perfect. I can’t wait to tell Brian in Changhua. Thanks, bye!



township 小鎮,鎮區(n.)

Townships aren’t towns; they’re county subdivisions: the four townships of Lienchiang County, Nangan, Beigan, Dongyin, and Dongju, have a total of 22 villages under them.


distinctive 有特色的,特殊的 (adj.)

Red Matsu wind lanterns, with their distinctive diamond shape and intricate floral cutouts, are hung during the Baiming Carnival’s Horse Feed Cultural Festival.


pilgrimage 朝聖(n.)

Local residents, former residents visiting to celebrate the Lunar New Year, and tourists from far and wide join the pilgrimage to temples to pray for well-being and wealth.


close 接近的,親密的 (adj.

People from Matsu are close; even many of those who left long ago to live and work elsewhere return each year to spend the Lunar New Year holidays with family and friends.


on 在發生的,在進行的 (adj.) check it out 去了解一下 (idiom)

The Baiming Carnival is on for 18 days, so Brian will have plenty of time to go to the four townships on the five islands to check it out.


can’t wait 迫不及待 (idiom)

Brian has been dying to do something different to celebrate the Lunar New Year, so now he can’t wait to go to the Baiming Carnival and have exciting cultural experiences.

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