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3分鐘時事英語廣播 一擊爆紅日:給予屬於歌手樂團應有的認可與讚賞

2023/09/13 09:45:14 CEFR B1-B2 每周廣播


國發會與ICRT共同製播的時事英語廣播“The World in Brief”固定於每周三在雙語資料庫學習資源網更新,與大家一起聽時事學英文。


一擊爆紅日(One-Hit Wonder Day)訂定於每年9月25日,慶祝音樂界中一些熱門歌曲,而熱門歌曲的定義則是依據美國流行音樂榜前40名。進入榜單並非易事,許多著名歌手如Nina Simone、Randy Newman、Janis Joplin等,均只有一首歌曲入榜而被視為只有一首熱門歌曲的歌手樂團。想知道更多嗎?讓我們用3分鐘的時間一起來聽聽記者Max McGrath怎麼說吧!

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Nora: The biggest news …the best guests …the boldest events …This is ‘The World in Brief’ with Max McGrath.

Nora: One-Hit Wonder Day is coming soon! Celebrated every year on September 25th, this day is for championing some of the most famous hits in the music biz! Roving reporter Max McGrath joins us live from Ohio, USA, where he’s been boning up on getting down! Max?

Max: Thanks Nora. I’m here in Cleveland, Ohio, on my dream assignment! I’m at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame! There’s so much great stuff to see. I don’t know where to start! I feel like a kid in a candy store! Luckily, I’m not alone. Local music producer Halen Pfitzenburger has kindly agreed to show me around today. Halen, thanks for this!

Halen: No problem, Max!

Max: You’re a music producer, that’s got to be one of the most important roles in the industry. Could you explain your job a bit, for our listeners?

Halen: Sure. Basically, it’s up to me to mix the track. The artist will have an idea of how they want their song to sound, but they might not know how to make it. That’s where I come in. I work with them in the studio, recording all the instruments, deciding sound levels, and directing the musicians.

Max: That makes sense. To ‘produce’ something is to make it. So, as a ‘music producer’, you make music. Have you ever made a one-hit wonder?

Halen: No, not yet! Actually, a ‘one-hit wonder’ isn’t a song. It’s any group or singer that’s only made one hit record.

Max: What defines a ‘hit?’

Halen: Here in the States we have a pop music chart. That’s a list of all of the most popular tracks in the country. Any tune that makes it into the top 40 is considered a hit. Getting into the top 40 is really difficult. Some really famous bands and singers are one-hit wonders.

Max: Really? Like who?

Halen: Nina Simone …

Max: No way!

Halen: She’s a one-hit wonder! So’s Randy Newman, Janis Joplin, Kate Bush …

Max: They all had just one song in the top 40? That’s hard to believe!

Halen: I’m telling you, making it onto that list is tough! Jimi Hendrix’s band is a one-hit wonder too. You know ‘All Along the Watchtower?’

Max: I love that song.

Halen: It’s famous around the world! But it only got to number 20 in the charts. None of their other songs ever made it into the top 40, so The Jimi Hendrix Experience is officially a one-hit wonder. Even so, they’re such an important band, so they’re included here.

Max: Really? Only the most important figures in the US music scene get into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. How influential can a one-hit wonder really be?

Halen: The pop music charts are decided based on record sales. That’s how many people have actually bought the track. But that’s no way to judge a song!

Max: How do you mean?

Halen: The Jimi Hendrix Experience, all those other guys, they’re important historically. Even with just one hit, they’re wonderful. They changed the music industry forever. This holiday isn’t about celebrating how much money someone makes. It’s about giving those bands and artists the recognition they deserve.

Max: Thanks Halen, I hope you make a one-hit wonder someday! Can we look around now?!

Halen: Let’s do it!

Max: Yes! This is Max McGrath reporting live from Cleveland, Ohio. Nora?

Nora: Thanks Max! Enjoy the exhibition! I’m Nora Yu.



bone up 苦學 (phrase)

Max took the time to bone up on earlier one-hit wonders and their songs before he visited the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.


get down to something 開始認真對待;開始認真注意;開始努力做 (phrase)

Max gets down to preparing the news about the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame because it is his dream assignment for the entire life.


influential 有影響力的 (adj.)

With his electrifying guitar techniques and unforgettable showmanship, Jimi Hendrix is still influential over fifty years after his untimely death.


recognition 賞識,讚賞(n.)

People often instantly remember the songs of one-hit wonders, but in many cases, the bands or singers suffer from a lack of recognition.

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