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【看紀錄片學英語 尋寶福爾摩沙】04 深入走訪鰻魚養殖場,到底需要養多少隻鰻魚才能賺大錢呢? The Baby Eel School Bus

2023/08/30 10:27:24 CEFR B1-B2

雙語政策YouTube頻道固定於每周五上架【看紀錄片學英語 尋寶福爾摩沙】,歡迎大家在YouTube上一同看著精采紀錄片學習最道地的英文。

最新集數:【看紀錄片學英語 尋寶福爾摩沙】第4集 深入走訪鰻魚養殖場,到底需要養多少隻鰻魚才能賺大錢呢? The Baby Eel School Bus

本集中, Leo 豪哥 帶著我們搭著動力漁筏出海捕撈鰻魚寶寶。可惜的是,即便 Leo 和漁民們在夜色中努力很多個小時,還是只有抓到價值台幣一千元的鰻苗,可能連船隻的油錢都不夠。接者, Leo 豪哥帶著我們前往屏東的東港參觀全台最大的鰻魚養殖場之一,並認識鰻魚寶寶們怎麼被分門別類,送上不同的「娃娃車」前往全台各地長大。在看見漁民們從凌晨 4 點工作到中午, Leo 才發覺到一碗鰻魚飯背後漫長且辛苦的歷程。最後, Leo 豪哥帶我們回到他台北的家,示範如何用德國傳統的料理方式「先醃製再煙燻數小時」來製作鰻魚料理。開動啦!

透過影集中 Leo 的行旅認識台灣的鰻魚產業,包含:

1. 認識台灣鰻魚產業的簡史

2. 認識台灣鰻苗捕撈的方式

3. 認識關於台灣各地鰻魚養殖的基本觀念

4. 認識台灣各地鰻魚交易的基本作業流程

5. 學習如何用英文來表達台灣的地形以及天氣


Bilingual Policy YouTube channel will release one episode of "Odyssey to Find Formosa: Learn English with the Happy Fisherman" every Friday. Welcome to join in and watch fascinating documentaries on YouTube while learning the most authentic English.

Latest Episode:【Odyssey to Find Formosa】ep.4 The Baby Eel School Bus

In this episode, Leo took us out to sea on a motorized raft to catch baby eels. Unfortunately, despite Leo and the fishermen's efforts for several hours in the dark of night, they only managed to catch baby eels worth one thousand New Taiwan Dollars, which might not even cover the cost of fuel for the boat. Next, Leo took us to visit one of the largest eel farms in Donggang, Pingtung, where we learned how the baby eels are sorted and sent in different 'school bus' to various places across Taiwan to grow. Witnessing the fishermen working from 4 in the morning until noon, Leo realized the long and arduous process behind a bowl of eel rice. Finally, Leo took us back to his home in Taipei and demonstrated how to prepare eel using the traditional German method of marinating and smoking for several hours. Let's dig in!

Through Leo's journey in the series, viewers get to know about Taiwan's eel industry, including:

1. Get to know the history of Taiwan’s eel industry

2. Get to know the method of catching eel fries in Taiwan

3. Get to know the fundamental concepts of eel farming in different regions of Taiwan

4. Get to know the basic operational processes involved in eel trading across Taiwan

5. Learn how to express Taiwan’s geography and weather in English


課程節目來源 : TaiwanPlus 【Happy Fisherman】

TaiwanPlus.com X 富苗國際影視

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