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【看紀錄片學英語 尋寶福爾摩沙】03 桌上的鰻魚原來從這裡來的!深夜來去海邊捕鰻苗 Mystery of Baby Eel

2023/08/30 10:24:04 CEFR B1-B2

雙語政策YouTube頻道固定於每周五上架【看紀錄片學英語 尋寶福爾摩沙】,歡迎大家在YouTube上一同看著精采紀錄片學習最道地的英文。

最新集數:【看紀錄片學英語 尋寶福爾摩沙】第3集 桌上的鰻魚原來從這裡來的!深夜來去海邊捕鰻苗 Mystery of Baby Eel

本集中,介紹了日本幼鰻的合法捕撈時間,是每年 11 月至 2 月。每到捕撈季節,台灣周圍的熱帶水域就會充滿捕撈幼鰻漁民。我們將帶您前往台灣鰻魚魚苗捕獲量最大的所在地:宜蘭的蘭陽溪口。捕撈幼鰻是一門利潤豐厚的生意。一條幼鰻的身價在 60 至 200 新台幣之間,享有「天賜的年終獎金」之稱。鰻魚寶寶之所以值錢,是因為目前鰻魚還不能透過人工的方式養殖。捕捉鰻魚魚苗的時間必須是夜間,天氣冷的話更好。Leo 豪哥跟著漁夫入海捕鰻時,整個人半浸在水中。當海浪越來越大,大家齊心協力將漁網拖入黑暗的冬日海水中。最終 Leo 豪哥的努力有了回報,他終於摸到微小而神秘、有著透明身軀的鰻魚寶寶。

透過影集中 Leo 的行旅認識台灣的鰻魚產業:

1. 認識台灣鰻魚產業的歷史

2. 認識捕撈鰻魚魚苗的時間與過程

3. 認識鰻魚的棲地與洄游繁殖的模式

4. 認識台灣鰻魚產業鏈

5. 學習如何用英文來表達食材的準備方式以及料理的方式


Bilingual Policy YouTube channel will release one episode of "Odyssey to Find Formosa: Learn English with the Happy Fisherman" every Friday. Welcome to join in and watch fascinating documentaries on YouTube while learning the most authentic English.

Latest Episode:【Odyssey to Find Formosa】ep.3 Mystery of Baby Eel

In this episode, the legal fishing season for Japanese baby eels is introduced, which runs from November to February each year. During the fishing season, tropical waters surrounding Taiwan are filled with eel fishermen. We will take you to the location with the highest catch of baby eels in Taiwan: the mouth of the Lanyang River in Yilan. Catching baby eels is a highly profitable business. The value of one baby eel ranges from 60 to 200 NTD, earning them the nickname “heaven-sent year-end bonus.” Baby eels are valuable because they cannot be artificially farmed yet. The time to capture them must be during the night, preferably in cold weather. When Leo follows the fishermen into the sea to catch eels, he is half-immersed in water. As the waves get bigger, everyone works together to drag the fishing nets into the dark winter sea. Lastly, Leo’s efforts pay off, as he finally touches the tiny and mysterious baby eel with a transparent body. 

Through Leo's journey in the series, viewers get to know about Taiwan's eel industry: 

1. Get to know the history of Taiwan’s eel industry

2. Get to know the time and process of catching eel fries

3. Get to know the habitat and migration reproduction patterns of eels

4. Get to know the supply chain of Taiwan’s eel industry

5.Learn how to express ingredients’ preparation and cooking methods in English


課程節目來源 : TaiwanPlus 【Happy Fisherman】

TaiwanPlus.com X 富苗國際影視

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