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【看紀錄片學英語 尋寶福爾摩沙】02 驚險出航:驚濤駭浪中夜釣白帶魚 Here Comes the Beltfish

2023/08/30 10:18:47 CEFR B1-B2

雙語政策YouTube頻道固定於每周五上架【看紀錄片學英語 尋寶福爾摩沙】,歡迎大家在YouTube上一同看著精采紀錄片學習最道地的英文。

最新集數:【看紀錄片學英語 尋寶福爾摩沙】第2集 驚險出航:驚濤駭浪中夜釣白帶魚 Here Comes the Beltfish

本集中,Leo 豪哥前往台灣北部最大的漁港八斗子漁港夜間捕撈白帶魚。漁船需要夜間進行投餌,因此他們在午夜離港前往龜山島水域進行 5 小時的航程。Leo 豪哥在狂風暴雨與激烈的海流中,體驗到漁民在捕撈美味白帶魚時遭遇的艱難。漁民採用人工捕撈的方式捕捉得來不易的白帶魚。他們以秋刀魚為誘餌,一次一個餌,將其投放入 90 米深的海中,這是一種需要耐心和精確度的捕撈方式。等待白帶魚上鉤期間,Leo 豪哥吐了兩次。漁民徹夜工作的決心讓他深受感動。

透過影集中 Leo 的行旅認識台灣的白帶魚產業:

1. 認識八斗子漁港的開發歷史

2. 認識出海捕撈白帶魚的過程

3. 認識白帶魚的特性與棲息地

4. 認識捕撈白帶魚漁夫的背景

5. 學習如何用英文向外國人介紹台灣的傳統文化習俗與節日


Bilingual Policy YouTube channel will release one episode of "Odyssey to Find Formosa: Learn English with the Happy Fisherman" every Friday. Welcome to join in and watch fascinating documentaries on YouTube while learning the most authentic English.

Latest Episode:【Odyssey to Find Formosa】ep. 2 Here Comes the Beltfish

In this episode, Leo travels to Badouzi Fishing Port, the largest fishing port in northern Taiwan, for night fishing of beltfish. The fishing boats need to cast bait at night, so they depart at midnight for a 5-hour journey to the waters near Guishan Island. Leo experiences the difficulties faced by fishermen while fishing for delicious beltfish in the midst of strong winds, storms, and intense sea currents. The fishermen use manual fishing methods to catch the hard-to-come-by beltfish. They use saury as bait, one bait at a time, and release them into the sea, which is 90 meters deep. This is a method of fishing that requires patience and precision. While waiting for the beltfish to take the bait, Leo vomited twice. He was deeply moved by the determination of the fishermen who worked throughout the night.

Through Leo's journey in the series, viewers get to know about Taiwan's beltfish industry: 

1. Get to know the development history of Badouzi Fishing Port

2. Learn about the process of offshore fishing for beltfish

3. Discover the characteristics and habitats of beltfish

4. Learn about the background of fishermen who catch beltfish

5. Learn how to introduce Taiwan’s traditional cultural customs and festivals to foreigners in English


課程節目來源 : TaiwanPlus 【Happy Fisherman】

TaiwanPlus.com X 富苗國際影視

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