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【尋寶福爾摩沙】01 有夢最美 Have A Dream

2023/08/30 09:56:50 CEFR B1-B2

自7月7日起,雙語政策YouTube頻道將固定於每周五上架1集【看紀錄片學英語 尋寶福爾摩沙】,讓沒有e等公務園帳號的朋友們也可在YouTube上一同看著精采紀錄片學習最道地的英文。
最新集數:【看紀錄片學英語 尋寶福爾摩沙】第1集 有夢最美 Have A Dream

Leo Seewald(李豪、豪哥)出生於加拿大溫哥華,是一位說著一口流利中文和台語的正港台灣人。他懷抱著一個夢想,那就是擁有自己的台灣漁船,並親自駕駛它前往台灣250個大大小小的漁港,與大家分享各個漁港獨特的風俗、歷史、美食和軼事。



1. 用英文理解北海岸的風俗地理知識

2. 各式台灣海鮮英文名

3. 各式台灣小吃英文名

4. 如何使用更精確的【形容詞來描述嘴中美食的味道】,使得在介紹台灣美食時,不再只是停留在delicious!


Starting from July 7th, the Bilingual Policy YouTube channel will release one episode of "Odyssey to Find Formosa: Learn English with the Happy Fisherman" every Friday. This allows people who do not have an e-learning (e等公務園) account to join in and watch fascinating documentaries on YouTube while learning the most authentic English.

Latest Episode:【Odyssey to Find Formosa】ep. 1 Have A Dream

Leo Seawald (Lee Hao, Haoge), a native of Vancouver, Canada, is a  naturalized Taiwanese citizen and fluent in both Mandarin and Taiwanese. He has a dream which is to own a Taiwanese Fishing boat and sail around 250 fishing harbors in Taiwan while introducing the culture, history, cuisine, and stories.

In episode 1, Leo took the first step towards realizing his dream by buying his own boat! He embarked on a tour of fishing ports along the northern coast of Taiwan and started by savoring the local delicacies of rock crabs and limpet at Zhengbin Fishing Port. Then, he proceeded to seafood shopping at Kanzaiding Fish Market. Finally, he successfully found his dream fishing boat at Badouzi Fishing Port.

While following Haoge's tour along the northern coast of Taiwan, viewers will learn:

1. Understand the cultural and geographical knowledge in English

2. English names of various Taiwanese seafood

3. English names of Taiwanese street food

4. How to use more 【precise adjectives to describe the flavors】 of foods, taking their introductions of Taiwanese cuisine beyond the simple "delicious" description.


課程節目來源 : TaiwanPlus 【Happy Fisherman】

TaiwanPlus.com X 富苗國際影視

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