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【雙語專欄】臺灣經濟論衡2023年春季號: 臺歐合作關係進一步,我國加入歐盟與印太 9 國 「隱私及個人資料保護聯合宣言」



臺歐合作關係進一步,我國加入歐盟與印太 9 國「隱私及個人資料保護聯合宣言」

Taiwan-Europe cooperation takes a step forward with Taiwan's joining of the "Joint Declaration on Privacy and the Protection of Personal Data" with the EU and 9 Indo-Pacific countries


臺灣獲歐盟邀請已於 2022 年 10 月 8 日正式加入「隱私及個人資料保護聯合宣言」(Joint Declaration on privacy and the protection of personal data),共同宣示促進印太、歐洲等地區促進可信賴的資料流通。該宣言係由歐盟發起,並由歐盟、澳洲、科摩羅聯盟、印度、日本、模里西斯、紐西蘭、韓國、新加坡、斯里蘭卡於2022 年 2 月 22 日在巴黎舉行的印太合作論壇上共同簽署,臺灣、泰國與菲律賓於10 月加入。



Taiwan was invited by the European Union (EU) on the 8th of October, 2022 to officially join the "Joint Declaration on Privacy and the Protection of Personal Data", jointly declaring the intention to promote trustworthy flow of data in the Indo-Pacific, Europe and other regions. This declaration was initiated by the EU and was signed by the EU, Australia, the Union of Comoros, India, Japan, Mauritius, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Sri Lanka at the Indo-Pacific Cooperation Forum at Paris on February 22, 2022. Jointed by Taiwan, Thailand and the Philippines on October.

For the full article, please visit:(https://gov.tw/5co)

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