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新聞圖片 ARE YOU READY? Taiwan will fully reopen its borders by ending mandatory Covid19 quarantine for arrivals next month, the government. 指揮中心指揮官王必勝(22)日受訪時透露,國門開放時間最快會落在10月10日到10月15日之間,若確定疫情趨緩,將提前開放「0+7」。至於口罩政策,依現行規定都要戴口罩,未來疫情趨緩,「0+7」措施上路後,可改為都不用戴,除某些例外才要戴,像是大眾捷運系統仍會要求戴口罩。 針對開放邊境,行政院今天宣布,將分2階段開放,其中大家最關心的「0+7」,預計10/13上路,到時將同步開放免簽證、觀光旅行團。 階段性開放邊境: 第一階段:9/29實施 1‧「3+4」全程一人一室 2‧全面恢復免簽 3‧取消機場唾液PCR 4‧每周入境人次6萬 第二階段:10/13實施(預計) 1‧「0+7」 2‧開放免簽證國家入境,取消觀光禁團令 3‧每周入境人次15萬 Travel info update Taiwan is expected to reopen its border to travellers without quarantine requirement from October 13, 2022! A border reopening proposal is issued in two phrases. The first phrase will take place on September 29, 2022, where the on-arrival saliva test will be discontinued. Arriving passengers will follow a “3+4” quarantine formula, they will be allowed to spend the entire seven-day period in a residence with others as long as they follow the “one person per room” principle. If conditions are deemed suitable as expected, the second phrase of “0+7” scheme will be launched on October 13, 2022. For details and latest update, please check Taiwan Centers for Disease Control: www.cdc.gov.tw/En Photo&Source: 中央流行疫情指揮中心、交通部觀光局 #ndcBilingual #bilingualevents #bilingual2030

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